An Interview with Voluntary Area Co-ordinator, Cara.

An Interview with Cara.

Cara has been volunteering for PDWRA for 2 years as a Voluntary Area Coordinator (VAC), supporting a few different regions during that time. She is a dedicated, compassionate, wise and experienced dog lover, such an asset to our team. Here she responds to some questions about her life and times!

  1. What made you want to become a volunteer with PDWRA?

I fell in love with Pugs completely by accident. An old schoolfriend had bred a litter and had one left just as I was looking for another dog to add into the mix with an elderly, and grumpy, Border Terrier. Percy was the only puppy left and came with a background that meant he would be robust enough to deal with grumpy Angus.

After Percy joined us I started to follow PDWRA and, while relocating from Scotland to Northern Ireland post-Covid, I saw an Ad looking for volunteer VACs. I applied straight away.

  1. How long have you been with PDWRA?

I’ve been with PDWRA for just over 2 years now. Time has flown!

  1. Do you own dogs yourself?

I currently have 4 dogs. My original Pug, Percy (6), a PDWRA adopted Pug, Milo (2) who joined us in September last year, an adopted elderly Wire Fox Terrier, Harvey (13) who joined us unexpectedly last October and Lily, a 2 year old Frenchie who we adopted and joined us in July this year.

  1. Do you have an inspirational/heart-warming story (can be about PDWRA or your own dogs?

I find the teamwork, and the lengths that the PDWRA volunteers will go to, both inspiring and heart-warming. One of the most complicated cases that I have been involved with was that of Delilah. I coordinated Delilah’s surrender in my area and I had arranged for her to be transported to a foster home in Devon. Shortly after her arrival in foster it became clear that she was pregnant, with puppies due imminently!

Delilah’s health was already complicated by severe BOAS and the UK was in the grips of a heatwave. I called upon my colleagues, including PDWRA Vet Advisor Helen McKee and Paula Parke, SE Vac for help. We decided the best course of action was to move Delilah into foster with a volunteer who was experienced in whelping and caring for young litters and their mums. This meant moving Delilah from Devon to Surrey – no small task! Four teams of 2 volunteers each stepped up – one driver and one carer for Delilah in each. Delilah was moved carefully between them all, to carefully selected handover points. She arrived safely and within a couple of weeks so did 4 beautiful Chug (Chihuahua-Pug) cross puppies.
None of this would have been possible without the dedication and selflessness of the volunteers involved and the amazing teamwork within the VAC team.
Please see link below to Delilah’s story.


  1. What plans do you & your dog(s) have over Christmas?

I work as an animal care assistant at a local cat and dog sanctuary so don’t have a lot of time off over Christmas. I am confident that there will be some long, muddy walks on a local estate and plenty of time on the sofa with both Pugs and the Frenchie piled on top of me!

  1. If you had to describe a pug in 3 words, what would they be?

Only 3! Tiny but Mighty Or Personal Anti-depressant + Dictator…

For Delilah and her pups’ story, please see:

Delilah at home with Doug!

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