The PDWRA Trustees are supported by a UK-wide framework of regional rehoming co-ordinators (Voluntary Area Co-ordinators – VACs), who facilitate local pug rescue/surrenders, health & welfare assessment, rehabilitation where needed and onwards to their best-matched forever homes.

Also essential in supporting operations are dedicated teams for Fundraising, running the Facebook Mega Auction group activities, plus Communications and Social Media, managing PDWRA’s Website, Facebook, Instagram and X (previously Twitter) platforms.

The PDWRA could not operate without all these dedicated volunteers.

PDWRA Trustees

Ms Charlotte Hill (Kent) – Chairman and Legal Adviser

Mr Jon Brown (Hants) – Treasurer

Ms Alison Dean (Dorset) – Secretary

Ms Paula Parke (Surrey)


Veterinary Advisers

Mrs Helen McKee BVSc MRCVS (Devon)

Dr W Malcolm McKee BVMS DSAO MRCVS (Devon)

Helen and Malcolm provide regular pug-health articles for our newsletters, which can be found via our pug health section: Pug Health & Wellbeing | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

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