Article by Danny.
I first met Biggles at Emily and Ryan’s, who are fosterers for the PDWRA. I’m a painter and decorator and had turned up at Emily’s and Ryan’s to decorate their hall, stairs and landing. On Arrival I was greeted by three pugs, two older ones called Frank and Dolly and a younger one called Biggles. Emily took them out of the way into the kitchen and garden area so I could get set up for work.
At lunch time Emily & Ryan had popped out but told me to make a drink etc. and use the kitchen and that the dogs were in the kitchen & garden area and they would be fine with me going in. So, I went in to see Dolly and Frank both fast asleep in their beds and Biggles was laying in his bed on his squeaky teddy toy with one eye open. When he saw me creep in, he picked his toy up ran over and dropped it by my feet. So I played with him while I had lunch and petted him and he tried to follow me everywhere. Each day that I returned to work on the house Biggles would come running with his toy and we would play. He ended up following me around the house while I was working and I played and fussed with him when I could. After a few days we became firm friends and I looked forward to seeing him each day.
I mentioned to Emily and Ryan what a lovely dog he was believing he was theirs but they then informed me that he was looking for his forever home. By about the fifth work day we had bonded so well and he stuck to me like glue when Emily and Ryan were out of the house, so I just knew it was meant to be. Emily and Ryan were amazing and got the ball rolling with the adoption process and sorted everything out for me. I can’t thank them enough for all they did for Biggles and I.
I’ve become friends with Emily and Ryan since and on the days when Biggles can’t come to work with me he goes to their house as there is always someone home in the daytime and he has the other dogs who he likes to be with.
So really, it’s a team effort with Biggles as he lives with me but Emily and Ryan and the kids really help me out with him. I had a wedding recently and he stayed with them overnight. I really can’t thank them enough for what they do for me and Biggles and obviously the PDWRA too.
So, between us, Biggles has a lovely life and he’s really settled and such a happy little fella. He makes me smile every morning as he’s so happy and such a joy to be around. His favourite two things are playing with his toys & he loves a raw beef bone a couple of times a week. We’ve been away to the seaside and he loves running on the beach and playing ball in the sea. I have a funny story too – I walk Biggles in a big park that is always busy with other dog walkers and families using the children’s park etc. and one day we were walking around and I noticed people pointing at us and laughing. And it seemed to be everyone we passed. I stopped and looked at Biggles and without me knowing somehow he had picked up a baby’s dummy off the floor and had it in his mouth walking round just like a baby would haha, so here’s a picture of him with the dummy! He’s always picking things up when we’re out and about.
Another funny story is when I was at the parents’ house and he disappeared. We were sat in the garden chatting and I was just about to go and look for him when he came trotting down the path with two much larger front teeth… on closer inspection he had pinched my dad’s false teeth and was parading around with them in his mouth looking so pleased with his find, hahaha! He’s such a character bless him, I had to chase him around the garden for 5 minutes to get them off him!
To finish, I’d just like to say what a lovely life Biggles now has with me and the rest of my family and also Ryan and Emily’s family too. He comes with me to my parents a lot who have two dogs and they all get on well and we stay over and go for nice walks and caravan holidays which he loves. He’s a lucky boy to have us all and we act as a team to give him his best life.
The adoption process was very good and communication was great. You guys do an amazing job!
Thanks Dan & Biggles.
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If you would like to Adopt a Pug in need of a home, like Biggles was, please apply at: