Preparing for potential Hazards, for a Safe & Happy Christmas!

It’s that time of year again where there are plenty of potential hazards to our furry friends, particularly our foods and treats that are being brought into the home.

As well as the festive greenery that may make your dog very ill, tempting foods which we may think are a treat for them can actually cause a great deal of harm.

Vets will treat 75% more cases of dogs eating foods that are poisonous to them in December, so it’s important to be aware of what to avoid and ensure others know about them too:


– Chocolate, boxes lying around, tempting foil coins on the tree.

– Christmas cake, mince pies and Christmas pudding.

– Foods containing grapes, raisins, sultanas & currants.

– Traditional turkey, goose & chicken where cooked bones can easily splinter.

– Sage and onion stuffing, gravy, anything with onion, chives, garlic, celery.

– Do check for hidden seasoning ingredients in sausages, a particular Christmas treat from a roast dinner.

– Other foods, such as certain nuts, blue cheese, fatty and salty processed foods.

– Xylitol sometimes marketed as birch sugar, used in artificial sweeteners and sweeteners of products such as peanut butter, is toxic to dogs.

– Alcohol.


– Particular festive greenery and plants may make your dog very For a comprehensive list that are dangerous to dogs, see this poisons in your garden article.

– Oils from pine needles may be irritating to the mouth and stomach, causing excessive dribbling, vomiting and diarrhoea if chewed. Needles are also sharp so could cause physical injury in your dog’s mouth and throat.

– Potpourri is made up of various dried plants and flowers to create fragrant decorations. Depending on their toxicity they may cause, at the very least, vomiting and diarrhoea.

– Take care when using antifreeze (ethylene glycol). It tastes sweet so is tempting for dogs but can be lethal if ingested.

– Watch for dogs drinking out of puddles too as they may be tainted with antifreeze chemicals.

– Some snow globes contain anti-freeze and if broken, are a serious danger to your dogs.

– Salted roads & paths can also burn their paw pads.


Ice and snow can build up in the fur between their pads which is not only uncomfortable but increases the risk of frostbite. If your dog raises its paws, stops walking or whines it could be a sign that their paws are too cold.

When cold, a dog’s body limits blood flow to their extremities (paws, tail, ears etc.) diverting to keep their vital organs protected. This puts their extremities at risk of being damaged by the cold. If you’re concerned about them having frostbite contact your vet immediately.

So, on very cold, icy or snowy days, try to keep the time they spend outside to a minimum, and consider using a coat or paw protectors to keep them warm.

If you do buy a coat make sure it fits well so that it doesn’t restrict their normal movement, either through being too tight or too loose. If you’re outside in the cold and your pet starts shivering, or appears very tired, then get them home as soon as possible. If they are very unwell, get worse or continue to be unwell, contact your vet immediately.

However, some smaller or short coated dogs feel cold in the winter nip, so it may be a good idea to buy a well-fitting coat that will help keep them warm and dry on walks.

The dark mornings and evenings mean that you’ll most likely be taking your dog out for a walk when it is dark or gloomy, and you should think about how visible your dog is to other people when out walking in low light. Reflective collars and jackets are a good idea, and there are even some bright LED collars and tags available to help make your dog easier to see by other walkers and road users.

Christmas can be stressful for pets. The change in routine, visitors, children, loud music and decorations can all confuse or over-excite them. Planning ahead can help minimise stress for pets and ensure they have a happy Christmas, too.

A few things to consider include:

  • Sticking to their routine as much as possible – their meals, exercise, bed and toilet break routines. Consistency helps them feel more secure plus they expect it!.
  • Introduce new people carefully, at your dog’s own pace.
  • Give them somewhere cosy and quiet to retreat to, away from all the excitement, leaving toys or familiar items to help keep them comforted.
  • Don’t leave them alone too long – it’s easy to become distracted at such a busy time.

Likewise, if you’re spending Christmas away with your dog/s take something that smells familiar, like their bed, or favourite toys and chews to help keep them entertained and feel secure. Also, plan for them if they’re not going with you.

  • Keep the number of an emergency vet on hand in case of accidents or if your pet eats something they shouldn’t.
  • If your pet is on medication, stock up before the holidays so you don’t get caught out.
Most of all, have a very safe, comfortable and very Happy Christmas for All the family! 

For a lot more information about pug health please see:
Seasonal Hazards for Pugs | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Pug Health & Wellbeing | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

An Interview with Voluntary Area Co-ordinator, Cara.

An Interview with Cara.

Cara has been volunteering for PDWRA for 2 years as a Voluntary Area Coordinator (VAC), supporting a few different regions during that time. She is a dedicated, compassionate, wise and experienced dog lover, such an asset to our team. Here she responds to some questions about her life and times!

  1. What made you want to become a volunteer with PDWRA?

I fell in love with Pugs completely by accident. An old schoolfriend had bred a litter and had one left just as I was looking for another dog to add into the mix with an elderly, and grumpy, Border Terrier. Percy was the only puppy left and came with a background that meant he would be robust enough to deal with grumpy Angus.

After Percy joined us I started to follow PDWRA and, while relocating from Scotland to Northern Ireland post-Covid, I saw an Ad looking for volunteer VACs. I applied straight away.

  1. How long have you been with PDWRA?

I’ve been with PDWRA for just over 2 years now. Time has flown!

  1. Do you own dogs yourself?

I currently have 4 dogs. My original Pug, Percy (6), a PDWRA adopted Pug, Milo (2) who joined us in September last year, an adopted elderly Wire Fox Terrier, Harvey (13) who joined us unexpectedly last October and Lily, a 2 year old Frenchie who we adopted and joined us in July this year.

  1. Do you have an inspirational/heart-warming story (can be about PDWRA or your own dogs?

I find the teamwork, and the lengths that the PDWRA volunteers will go to, both inspiring and heart-warming. One of the most complicated cases that I have been involved with was that of Delilah. I coordinated Delilah’s surrender in my area and I had arranged for her to be transported to a foster home in Devon. Shortly after her arrival in foster it became clear that she was pregnant, with puppies due imminently!

Delilah’s health was already complicated by severe BOAS and the UK was in the grips of a heatwave. I called upon my colleagues, including PDWRA Vet Advisor Helen McKee and Paula Parke, SE Vac for help. We decided the best course of action was to move Delilah into foster with a volunteer who was experienced in whelping and caring for young litters and their mums. This meant moving Delilah from Devon to Surrey – no small task! Four teams of 2 volunteers each stepped up – one driver and one carer for Delilah in each. Delilah was moved carefully between them all, to carefully selected handover points. She arrived safely and within a couple of weeks so did 4 beautiful Chug (Chihuahua-Pug) cross puppies.
None of this would have been possible without the dedication and selflessness of the volunteers involved and the amazing teamwork within the VAC team.
Please see link below to Delilah’s story.


  1. What plans do you & your dog(s) have over Christmas?

I work as an animal care assistant at a local cat and dog sanctuary so don’t have a lot of time off over Christmas. I am confident that there will be some long, muddy walks on a local estate and plenty of time on the sofa with both Pugs and the Frenchie piled on top of me!

  1. If you had to describe a pug in 3 words, what would they be?

Only 3! Tiny but Mighty Or Personal Anti-depressant + Dictator…

For Delilah and her pups’ story, please see:

Delilah at home with Doug!

Alison Dean – PDWRA Secretary

Article by Alison Dean.

Hi I’m Alison (Ali) and have been with the charity for nearly 2 years. I actually don’t own a pug but do have a cockapoo and am passionate about dog welfare and animals generally. At the time of writing I am house sitting, looking after a friends 19 year old cat whilst they are away.

Previously I was a Trustee for a local hospice, however wanted to dedicate more of time to an animal charity hence me joining the PDWRA.

I love to hear the stories of successfully adopted/fostered pugs and am learning all about their quirky, adorable ways. Despite the many success stories sometimes hard decisions have to be made and this is always very difficult but the welfare of the dogs is paramount in the decision making process.

My Cockapoo is called Izzi because of “Izzy whizzy let’s get busy” for those of you old enough to remember that great TV programme Sooty and Sweep – she is completely mad and rushes around doing lots of doodle dashes with an adorable smile on her face. There’s nothing she likes more than being at the beach and fortunately we both like sea swimming whatever the weather and we love taking her for walk in the forest and over the Purbecks.

Since joining the PDWRA I am now the secretary and have various responsibilities including organising the Crufts stand, production and distribution of the calendar, answering emails sent to the secretary email box and generally helping out wherever I can with the resource that I have available. Going forward I hope that we can carry out some successful fundraising activity and develop a fundraising strategy and get more volunteers on board to help out where required.

Whilst writing I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you that reads this newsletter and raises the profile of the charity and all it stands for and especially to everyone that shows their continued support whether by volunteering and/or donating. Without you we wouldn’t have the charity. Here’s to a successful 2024 and to the next 50 years!

If you would like to volunteer, please look at the options available:
Volunteering for PDWRA | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Vacancies | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (


Paula – Volunteer, Trustee & Lead Area Coordinator.

Article by Paula Parke.

I’m Paula and I’ve volunteered for Pug Dog Welfare (PDWRA) since 2018. I have always had an active interest in animal welfare and have volunteered for Dog rescue charities both in the UK and Africa.

I got Tia (my first Pug in 2009) she joined Max our Dalmatian, followed by Jessica my second Pug in 2012.  I joined PDWRA as a foster volunteer in 2018, following this I long term fostered Bonnie who could not be placed in adoption as she had spinal cysts, had been neglected and used to produce puppies. Sadly, we had to have Bonnie PTS this year as she had inoperable cancerous tumours. It’s thanks to the generosity of our supporters we were able to give Bonnie five good years of life.

In 2019 I became an Area Co-ordinator, and Josie joined my grumble, she had severe mental health issues and had been badly beaten. I remember life was put on hold for three months as Josie would scream and spin day and night. Thanks to support from Malcolm (PDWRA Vet advisor) we were able to get help from a specialist in behavioural medicine. Josie is now much improved and able to venture out for short walks where there are other people.

In 2021 I became a Trustee; my areas of responsibility are PDWRA’s operational processes and development including acting as the Lead for Area Co-ordinators across the country. I also have an active role within PDWRA’s core Communication group and social media support.

This year has seen a number of changes, with more elderly, disabled and very ill or at end of life Pugs being surrendered. In the earlier part of the year there was an increase in the number of Pugs surrendered and a reduction in adoption applications, in the last two months this situation has reversed. We have also seen an increase in other charities seeking our help with Pugs that have been surrendered to them. So far this year 218 Pugs have been surrendered to PDWRA and our veterinary costs are £209k (or over £200K) so far this year.

On behalf of PDWRA, We Wish you All and your Pugs, a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

If you would like to volunteer, please look at the options available:
Volunteering for PDWRA | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Vacancies | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (


Protein Losing Enteropathy (PLE).

Article by Helen McKee (MRCVS)
PDWRA Vet Advisor.

This month I have decided to write about the condition of Protein Losing Enteropathy (PLE), as there have been a number of PDWRA pugs with the condition that has not been diagnosed by their veterinary surgeon.

Unfortunately, like so many other diseases, PLE is over-represented in pugs; I have seen more cases in the last 5 years working (voluntarily) for the Charity, than I ever saw when in practice.

PLE is an umbrella term for a group of diseases that damage the gut to such an extent that it not only has difficulty absorbing nutrients but also leaks protein out of the body.

It is caused by a number of conditions, including Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which is similar to Crohn’s Disease in people, Lymphoma, a tumour that infiltrates the gut, and Lyphangectasia, a swelling of the lymph vessels, which is often secondary to the first two diseases.

The disease I’ve most commonly seen in pugs that causes PLE is IBD, but I have also seen cases of lymphoma. However, both are treated the same way, so a definitive diagnosis is not necessarily needed. More on this later.

There are a few reasons a dog may develop IBD/PLE, including a food sensitivity and most commonly, overactive immune response (‘immune-mediated’).

The most common clinical signs associated with protein-losing enteropathy are primary gastrointestinal signs, like vomiting and diarrhoea. Chronic cases often result in excessive weight loss, dehydration and generalised weakness.

A chronic inflammatory response of the mucosal lining of the intestines leads to progressive damage, severe protein leakage, and improper nutrient absorption in dogs.

If your pug has had chronic (over 4 weeks) diarrhoea, that has not responded to normal protocols,  your vet may culture the faeces and look for bugs such as Giardia and Salmonella. Giardia and overgrowth of gut bacteria are treated with a drug called Metronidazole (Metrobactin). Your vet may also prescribe a pro-biotic such as Pro-Kolin.

A bland highly digestible diet is also often prescribed.

If the symptoms continue, your vet might advise X-rays/ultrasound of the abdomen.

However, the most important test is a complete haematology and biochemistry blood profile. I like to request that the bloods go to an external lab to ensure accuracy.

If, along with the clinical signs, the blood albumin is low, it is highly likely to be PLE. There may also be signs of anaemia, low folate/B12 and inflammation.

If the disease has been left untreated for a while, the albumin levels can drop so low that it is life threatening. A critical level to sustain life ifs 15g/L.


To make a definitive diagnosis, gut biopsies may be suggested, however, since the main causes of PLE in a pug are treated the same way, then this may not be necessarily needed especially if finances, or the welfare of the dog doesn’t allow it.

We treated our 11 year old pug Hugo without carrying out a biopsy and after 9 months of treatment he is now in remission.

PLE caused by IBD or lymphoma are treated with immune suppressive drugs. Ideally catch the disease early and hit hard with the medication, which can then gradually be reduced.

The most common drug is prednisolone, at initial doses of 10mg (even 15mg) once daily. Sometimes another drug is added if there’s an initial poor response, such as 2-4 weeks of Clorambucil.

Medication should be gradually reduced to minimum dose that is beneficial.

Cobaplex should also be given, which is a vitamin B supplement, as the condition causes a loss of this very important vitamin.

Finally, diet is very important. Hypoallergenic diets are often prescribed, made by companies like Royal Canin and Purina. Other diets that can work well with the condition are highly digestible low fat diets; I like Hill’s tinned low fat ID or Hill’s turkey ID, small amounts fed frequently to allow absorption by the damaged gut.

There are different levels of severity of IBD/PLE, so unfortunately some dogs deteriorate despite treatment, however others can go on to live for some time with the condition.

Wayne, who was surrendered into our care because of his condition (which was diagnosed by gut biopsy) and adopted by Barrie and Chris Jasper, survived 3 years, though I have seen other pugs die within a few months of diagnosis.

It is a condition that is managed and not cured, and dogs can have flare-ups.

My take home message from this is, if you have a pug that has had diarrhoea for more than 4 weeks that has not responded well to diet change and metronidazole, request a full blood profile (haematology and biochemistry) from an external lab. If the blood albumin is low, discuss with your vet the option of treating for PLE/IBD. The earlier it is treated, the more likely it will respond.

This article is dedicated to Fudge Wilkinson, pictured above, a PDWRA pug owned by Kerry and Pete, who sadly recently died of PLE.

Helen McKee (MRCVS)
PDWRA Vet Advisor.

Pug Health & Wellbeing | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (


Winter Tips for Outdoors!

Winter is definitely here! ❄️

Here are some tips to help your pug brave the cold! Not only will this help your Pug to stay safe & happy during the wet & cold months, it’s also a fun and enjoyable way to spend time with your best friend.

– Salted roads & paths can burn their paw pads.
– If it snows, ice and snow can stick to the fur between their pads and build up. This will be uncomfortable for your dog and increases their risk of frostbite. If they raise their paws, stop walking or whine it could be a sign that their paws are too cold.
– When cold, a dog’s body will limit blood flow to their extremities (paws, tail, ears etc.), in order to keep their vital organs functioning safely. This puts extremities at risk of being damaged by the cold.
– If you’re spending time outdoors, it’s a good idea to get a coat for them. Ensure it fits well so that it doesn’t prevent them moving normally, either from being too tight or too loose.
– If your dog starts shivering, or appears very tired (lethargic), then get them home as soon as possible. If they continue to seem unwell, contact your vet immediately.


– Take care when using antifreeze. It tastes sweet so is tempting for dogs but can be lethal if ingested.
– Watch for dogs drinking out of puddles too as they may be tainted with antifreeze chemicals from spills or leaks.
– Additionally, some snow globes contain ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) and if broken are a serious danger to your dogs.


For more information on Seasonal Hazards, please see:

Christmas Close to New Adoption Applications

PUGS are for life, NOT just for Christmas!

As Pugs are for life, not just for Christmas, PDWRA will be closing as usual, to new Adoption Applications in the lead-up to Christmas, until the New Year.

This will be from Thurs 7th Dec 8pm to Tues 2nd Jan midday.

We would like to reassure anyone needing to surrender a pug during this period that our doors remain OPEN for taking pugs into our care.
Surrendering | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

Foster homes are always needed, especially for emergencies during this period so if you can offer a suitable temporary home to a pug, short or long-term, please see our Fostering section where you can also apply.
Fostering | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

To find out more about all the considerations to be made regarding adopting, please go to this section and Apply in the New Year!
Adoption | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

When Shirley met Daphne!

Nothing brings us more happiness than seeing our adopted pugs in their new forever homes!

We love to hear and share stories from our adopters on why they chose to adopt from PDWRA. It’s these heart-warming forever-afters that make our work so rewarding.

Here’s Shirley’s story:

“In May, I lost my beloved little Poodle and I was then diagnosed with breast cancer, which made me uncertain about getting another dog. As I am disabled, I’ve always adopted older dogs, which can be challenging as they don’t live as long, but they are so loving and grateful. Despite the trauma they may have endured, they always find a way to show appreciation for everything.

After my surgery and treatment, I knew it was time to love again. While browsing Facebook, I stumbled upon the adorable face of Daphne, who, like me, would also be in a wheelchair one day. I felt an instant connection and was determined to do everything in my power to help her. The adoption process was made easy by the wonderful team of volunteers at PDWRA, they even arranged for Daphne to be brought to me.


After some video calls, I knew she was meant to be mine. Daphne is a wonderful little soul, and I didn’t even know I was missing her until she came into my life. She follows me everywhere, even leaving a trail of hair in her wake! She is everything to me, and I am everything to her. I’m committed to ensuring that she lives the rest of her life to the fullest.

I can’t thank the PDWRA enough for their incredible support. They helped me find Daphne and have made a positive impact on so many lovely pugs’ lives.
You are all amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Xxxxx”

Here’s the beginning of Daphne’s journey with PDWRA:

It’s Getting Cold Outside!!

With the arrival of the colder months, our pugs are also impacted by the change in temperature.

We’ll bundle up with coats, hats, and gloves, so don’t forget to consider these valuable tips to keep your beloved pugs safe and comfortable!

Please also see: Winter Tips for Outdoors! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

And: Winter Walking Hazards including the Wind! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

Check out other seasonal hazards & pug health info here:


Onelittlepug Christmas cards to support PDWRA!

Jayne is a supporter of PDWRA, who creates handmade cards and illustrations. She very kindly raised £150 this summer for PDWRA in a fundraiser to mark the 15th birthday of her gorgeous pug Henry, seen below.

Henry pug was her inspiration for her business Onelittlepug. Very sadly Henry has recently passed away, having lived life to the full, with a personality ten times his size.

He loved having his photo taken, so was often the model for so many card designs, so his legacy remains.

Jayne has created Christmas Cards with designs for both fawn and black pug varieties. Profits on these will be donated to PDWRA and are available from her Etsy shop, at:

They can be specifically found at:

We are so very grateful for Jayne’s kind support and raising awareness for PDWRA too.
Please support us both by purchasing and sending these unique and delightful cards this Christmas!!

For more information about fundraising, please see: Fundraising & Events 2023 | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

Buddy & Belle on the Isle of Man

Buddy and Belle, arrived on the Isle of Man four years ago after a long journey from the mainland. Despite the trip, they remained calm and settled, sleeping in the cabin with their owners and family pug, Winston. Upon arriving home, they were met by our Labrador and eagerly explored the house and garden, adapting quickly to their new home.

As it turned out, Buddy and Belle were no strangers to seaside living. They enjoy exercising on the quiet beaches and nearby glens. Although Buddy wasn’t initially fond of paddling, he has since grown accustomed to it, while Belle can’t get enough of the water and loves rolling in it at any opportunity!

Next year, they will have even more space to play, as we are taking over some family fields. Once a pug-friendly canter strip is mown to keep the grass short, Buddy and Belle can enjoy running around and playing to their heart’s content.

Belle has taken a liking to Winston and likes to wash him frequently, while Buddy is more people-oriented. During a particularly hot holiday last year, they all enjoyed splashing around in the sea and racing over the sands, with Buddy’s favourite activity being chasing birds. They were soon joined by another rehomed pug and now all three curl up together at night near the kitchen range.

Buddy and Belle’s adopters, Sue and Alan say, “Buddy and Belle are real characters and dear, much-loved pugs, a great addition to our family.

Thank you to the PDWRA for making this possible”.

Sue and Alan

To see when Buddy and Belle first arrived, go to:



Black Friday Bargains with Easyfundraising!

What if we told you that you could take advantage of Black Friday sales while supporting your favourite brands and PDWRA at the same time?

Here’s How – and it won’t cost you a penny!

With over 8,100 retailers – including Tesco, Pets at Home and Amazon – you can easily join the PDWRA supporters who have already helped us receive over £3,300 through Easyfundraising.

All you have to do is sign up for Easyfundraising, select The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association, create your profile and start shopping!

For other ways to help PDWRA via shopping or recycling, please see:

Donate while you Shop or Recycle!

#pdwra #pugcharity #pugadoption #pugs #pug #pugwelfare #easyfundraising


In memory of Zingaro!


Zingaro 13/3/09 – 31/10/23.

I had Zingaro on 29/9/18 following his owner’s passing.

He has given us 5 years of happiness.

RIP our little boy”.

Your Mum,


To pay tribute to your sadly lost and beloved PDWRA pug on our dedicated In Memoriam web page,
please email your story, or whatever you would like to say about them, with photos,

Lest we forget

We will remember them.
Men, Women and Loyal Animals who sacrificed and served together.

Lest we forget …..
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Halloween fun and safety!

Here’s Petey pug, having his first visit to the pumpkin patch in preparation for some Halloween fun!

You may be going to themed pug events or simply joining in the spirit of Halloween at home, so here are some tips to ensure everyone has a safe and fun time:

  • Keep all sweet treats and chocolate out of paws reach
  • There may be littered sweets or wrappers to look out for which are also a choking hazard
  • Walk them early before children may be out and about in numbers and in fancy dress which may scare them
  • Avoid dressing them in costumes that they’re uncomfortable with, or restricting
  • Keep any Halloween decorations out of harm’s way
  • Ensure any lit candles are well away from animals. Battery lit ones are hazardous too.
  • Create a cosy, quiet space away from potentially frequent doorbell ringing causing them extra stress!
  • You may wish to put a polite sign on your door for trick or treaters not to ring your doorbell if it frightens your dogs

For more detailed information, please see: 

Halloween dangers to dogs | Dog health | Kennel Club (


Some gorgeous pugs posted on our Facebook page:




Fireworks & Precautions for our pet safety & comfort!

It’s that time of year again when we can anticipate and prepare for, fireworks during the winter months, not only on bonfire night. It may be the first time you’ll be experiencing how this affects a new pug in your home.

In advance, you may consider:

  • Desensitising your pets to noise: Playing fireworks noises quietly using sound CDs, while rewarding calm behaviour, can help them become accustomed to the noise. Play them in the run up to firework season, to help them see they need not be afraid.
  • Anxiety relief products: Anxiety relieving products containing pheromones are an effective way to help your pet stay calm, also comforting jackets are like a big hug! There are so many products around so do research them.
When it’s expected:
  • Walk them before it’s dark.
  • Watch out for spent fireworks when walking your dogs. Diwali celebrations start before bonfire night.
  • Feed your dogs before fireworks are expected to begin, as they may be too stressed to eat.
  • Make sure your house or garden is escape-proof, as they can bolt or go missing. (Check their microchip registration is up-to-date!)
  • Keep windows and curtains closed, the lights on and turn the TV on to play music to help drown out the noise.
  • Create a safe, cosy place for your dog to settle before it gets dark. Dogs enjoy cosy dens.
  • Keep them entertained to take their mind off the noise.
  • Comfort and reassure them.
In previous years, on Bonfire night, 5th November, there have been special sessions on Classic FM for example, playing soothing classical music for all pets and animals who might feel anxious and scared with the loud noises outside. Keep an eye out if they are broadcasting again, this year!
Further Advice & tips can be found at:

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