by Yasmin | 14 Jan, 2024 | Blog, Rescue Stories, In Memoriam

RIP My Beautiful Mr Bentley, my first best little friend, my everything.

06/03/2011 – 19/12/2023
Taken from the summer with his tortoise friend Ziggy who is my daughter Beth’s.
We rescued you, Bentley, at 18 months old from PDWRA but really you rescued me. You gave me a new lease of life. You gave me so much love, joy and funny times.
You guided my rotties and kept them in check. They were scared of you at first but they are sad looking for you and it’s heartbreaking to watch. My home is quiet and lonely without you and you’ve left a big hole in our hearts.

Our family grew, where Bentley had another brother, Otto, the son of my other two rotties. They all loved him and miss him so much.

You loved to get out and about in your little car that we bought you last year, so you wouldn’t be left at home missing out on any fun.

There is no real goodbye as I will see you again. You are only gone when you are forgotten and you will never be forgotten.
You were beautiful from start to end and I love and miss you so much, it hurts.
Thank you for everything Bentley. Love is forever.
Thank you PDWRA for bringing him into my life, they were the best years ever!
Always tell your animals how much you love and appreciate them. They are precious and only here a short while. Remember, we are their everything!
To pay tribute to your sadly lost and beloved PDWRA pug on this, our dedicated In Memoriam web page:
please email your story, or whatever you would like to say about them, with photos,
by Yasmin | 5 Jan, 2024 | Blog, Rescue Stories, In Memoriam

Tribute to Minne & Bugsby by Adrian.
We adopted Minnie and Bugsby as a bonded brother and sister pair of Golden Oldies in 2020. They’d been badly neglected prior to rescue by PDWRA and each had their share of health issues accordingly including having the grand total of three teeth between them!

We’d had dogs all our lives but they were our first Pugs and our introduction to all those wonderfully unique Pug traits that we learned to love and cherish.

Minnie was a sweet gentle soul, totally food orientated with the ability to appear like a silent wraith behind you in the kitchen even though you’d left her sleeping blissfully in the lounge. Despite no teeth she ate anything!

Her brother Bugsby was the antithesis of his sister and the original grumpy old man. He didn’t like cars, vans, bicycles, pedestrians or basically anything that moved so taking him for a walk was an adventure. But they both loved their cuddles and slept on our bed from day one. We loved them both very dearly.

Sadly, we lost them both in 2023 and they left an enormous hole in our family. RIP both and run free. We will never forget you.
To pay tribute to your sadly lost and beloved PDWRA pug on this, our dedicated In Memoriam web page:
please email your story, or whatever you would like to say about them, with photos,
by Yasmin | 4 Jan, 2024 | Blog, News, Rescue Stories
** NEWS UPDATE: 8th JAN’ 2024 – We’re delighted to say that these beautiful girls have been adopted! **
We still welcome anyone interested and able to adopt a bonded-pair of pugs, as we consistently have them arriving into our care:

Iris and Ebony are in foster with us waiting for their perfect adoptive home together.
They have quite different characters, but are compatible, well-bonded and equally delightful. They can live with children and other sociable dogs, though are untested with cats.

Iris is a five year old white girl, who:
* Enjoys play with other sociable dogs.
* Enjoys the great outdoors, and would like a garden.
* Is quite humorous, loving, affectionate and outgoing.
* Is an emotional rock to Ebony.
Iris will:
* Eat other dogs faeces, so you’ll have to be quick!
* Bark sporadically at the TV, a common pug trait!
Ebony is a three year old black girl, who:
* Is also suited to live with other sociable dogs, though would prefer male dogs if there are any within the home.
* Needs support in sharing a lap around other dogs.
* Takes time to warm to new people and situations.
* Is affectionate, loving and needy once bonded.
* Enjoys walk, and likes her home comforts.
* Can bark when Iris barks.
If you are interested in offering Iris and Ebony their forever home or have any questions, please email Voluntary Area Coordinator, Jane, directly:
If you are not registered to adopt with PDWRA, please submit an application referencing ‘Iris 23204 & Ebony 23205’ at:
If you are already registered with us to adopt, please speak to your PDWRA Area Coordinator directly.

Thank You!
by Yasmin | 1 Jan, 2024 | Blog, News, Volunteering, Vacancies

We have a number of key opportunities for dedicated volunteers to join our busy charity, from Trustees to front-line Area Coordinators.
For the following vacancies, if you, or anyone you know, may be interested, and have the skills, experience & time to commit, please contact :
We are looking for more Trustees, with new members who wish to offer strategic advice or financial planning expertise.
PDWRA is a Registered Charity run entirely by volunteers including its Trustees, who ultimately exercise control over, and are legally responsible for the charity.
Working among the board of Trustees and Officers, you will be contributing to its fulfilment of its duties and responsibilities while pursuing its aims & objectives.
You will be developing long-term strategies and ensuring compliance with the charity’s governance and procedures, able to attend regular, remote meetings and be able to draw on experience in a similar role or management position.
Fundraising Manager
As a charity that is entirely dependent on donations, fundraising is critical.
As the Head of Fundraising, you will guide the charity in how to get the most from available schemes and opportunities, and to support volunteers who wish to fundraise for the charity.
Working closely with the Trustees, you will be developing and overseeing a cohesive strategy for current and future development of its income.
This is a key opportunity to make a tangible difference to PDWRA, where the cost of living challenges and rising vet healthcare costs impacts our charity greatly!
Volunteer Area-Rehoming Co-ordinators (VACs)
Our VACs are at the forefront of the charity. They are at the receiving end of calls from the public who wish to surrender their pugs to the PDWRA. VACs guide and counsel them through the process and ultimately oversee the rehoming of their surrendered pug.
The positions are held across the UK and support is always needed to take in more needy pugs.
You will be dedicated to a specified area of the country, working remotely, coordinating all activities and other volunteers, required to support the rehoming of surrendered pugs from your area.
This includes:
- Being available to receive or return calls as a matter of urgency, to advise and reassure the public surrendering their pugs
- Managing adoption, foster and volunteer applications for your region, providing support once onboard
- Working with all other resources within PDWRA according to PDWRA guidelines and legal requirements
- Organising the demands of the role, with commitment, responsibility and flexibility
- Helping to promote pug rescue work and achievements of the PDWRA

This is a demanding, yet highly rewarding role where full training and support will be given, with reviews, to ensure you will be confident and knowledgeable to perform this vital role.
As lot of our work is carried out remotely, so you do not have to live in the region that you will be managing.
If you feel you have the skills and the time to contribute to rehoming pugs in need in this way, please email:
Full Job Descriptions & Application Forms will be sent for all of the Vacancies above. Thank You!
Interviews occur on an ongoing basis and all successful applicants will require a Disclosure & Barring Check.

For experiences of being a VAC, plus other key roles, please see:
Interview with Paula: An Experienced Volunteer Area Coordinator | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Paula – Volunteer, Trustee & Lead Area Coordinator. | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Multi-Role Volunteering, by Yasmin | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association
An Interview with Voluntary Area Co-ordinator, Cara. | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
A Day in the Life of Fosterer, Jackie. | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Interview with Jane, Voluntary Area Co-ordinator for the South West. | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Interview with Lisa, VAC for East Region. | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

by Yasmin | 31 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Rescue Stories, Volunteering
As we welcome a New Year in, we would like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who has supported, volunteered, and contributed to PDWRA throughout 2023.
Thanks to your unwavering support, PDWRA has reached a significant milestone this year – its 50th anniversary!
We would like to acknowledge and appreciate the immense support from adopters, fosterers, volunteers, donors, fundraising teams, and everyone who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes at PDWRA.
Once again, thank you for your contributions and for making a positive impact on the pug community.
If you would like to donate to support our work, please go to:
You can also read our blog posts throughout the year by following:
by Yasmin | 28 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Pug Health
It’s approaching New Year’s Eve and we know what to expect! For some of us also, it may be the first time you’ll be experiencing how this affects a new pug in your home.

Sufficiently in advance, you may consider:
• Desensitising your pets to noise: Playing fireworks noises quietly using sound CDs, while rewarding calm behaviour, can help them become accustomed to the noise. Play them in the run up to firework season, to help them see they need not be afraid.
• Anxiety relief products: A variety of anxiety relieving products contain pheromones, and can be an effective way to help your pet stay calm. Comforting jackets also are like a big hug! There are so many products around so do research them.
• Walk them before it’s dark.
• Feed your dogs before fireworks are expected to begin, as they may be too stressed to eat.
• Make sure your house or garden is escape-proof, as they can bolt or go missing. (Check their microchip registration is up-to-date!)
• Keep windows and curtains closed, the lights on and turn the TV on to play music to help drown out the noise.
• Create a safe, cosy place for your dog to settle before it gets dark. Dogs enjoy cosy dens.
• Keep them entertained to take their mind off the noise.
• Comfort and reassure them.
Further Advice & tips can be found at:
by Yasmin | 25 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Rescue Stories, Volunteering
We would like to wish everybody volunteering and supporting PDWRA, a Very Merry Christmas!
Enjoy our festive compilation of Happy Pugs in Happy PDWRA Homes.

As always, we can’t emphasise enough, our enormous thanks to everyone involved in helping and supporting the PDWRA.
Without your continued support we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do, so a very special thanks goes out to all of our amazing dedicated, volunteers, whose work often takes up a huge amount of their time and energy, and juggling with the rest of their lives.
Thank you so much, you’re all very special and very much appreciated!
As our celebratory 50th year comes to an end, we look back on yet another incredibly busy year of rescuing and rehoming Pugs in Need.

May you all have a very Happy Christmas!
by Yasmin | 23 Dec, 2023 | Blog, In Memoriam

Benny joined us at the age of 5 in May 2019.

He was the most loving beautiful boy who brought us nothing but joy in the 4 years he was with us.

We sadly lost him in October this year after a short battle with cancer. He was only 9.

We all loved him dearly and miss him so much.
From his ever-loving family.
To pay tribute to your sadly lost and beloved PDWRA pug on this, our dedicated In Memoriam web page:
please email your story, or whatever you would like to say about them, with photos,
by Yasmin | 19 Dec, 2023 | Blog, Rescue Stories, Volunteering
Like many of our foster applicants, Paula had recently lost her beloved pug. At this time, she didn’t want to make a long-term commitment to another pug, but she did want to make a difference in a pug’s life.
After consulting with her family, Paula decided to take in Trixie, a 7-year-old pug who had nothing to her name when she arrived with PDWRA. No harness, no lead, no bed, or blanket! Fortunately, one of the PDWRA transporters made a generous donation to ensure that Trixie would have the essentials she needed upon arrival at Paula’s.

Typically, it takes a few days for a pug to feel comfortable in a new environment. However, Trixie took an immediate liking to Paula and follows her everywhere. Paula’s granddaughter, Carla has taken a liking to Trixie as well, and the two are inseparable. Although the family were initially worried about Trixie around Carla, it quickly became apparent that the two had a special bond, with only Carla being allowed to pet Trixie while she chews on her antler.

Trixie was struggling with a host of medical issues, including fleas, infections, and an urgent need for a bath. Caring for a pug with multiple health needs can be overwhelming, but with the help of her vet, Paula was able to nurse Trixie back to health.
In some cases, a full understanding of the pug’s background is not possible. As Paula experienced, fosterers need to be prepared for any eventuality. However, with a willingness to adapt to the needs of the pug and with the assistance of PDWRA, fostering can be a truly rewarding experience. It’s heart-wrenching to say goodbye as they move to their forever home, but knowing that you’ve made a difference in their lives is priceless.
When asked about her experience with first-time fostering for PDWRA, Paula had this to say: “Fantastic! It’s so rewarding to help out a pug in need. I couldn’t wish for a more loving companion.”
If you are able to foster, short or long-term, please see our fostering section, where you can apply also!
Fostering | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
by Yasmin | 18 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Volunteering, Fundraising
This year, the PDWRA Mega Auction Facebook Group successfully raised an incredible sum of £17,000.
This achievement would not have been possible without the commendable efforts of Pippa, Catherine & Carolyn who work tirelessly behind the scenes to raise these much-needed funds for PDWRA pugs.

Pippa, in addition to volunteering for the Mega-Auction (MA) is also a race marshal and has attended F1 at Silverstone in that role. She travels the country attending many high profile events in her capacity as a marshal.
Carolyn is a pug enthusiast and shows her pugs at professional dog shows. Meanwhile, Catherine creates the beloved Pugtatoes as well as fabulous hand-made greetings cards, to raise funds for PDWRA.

We are very grateful to each of the team for their dedication and labour-intensive efficiency at what they do!
We’d also like to a give a special thank you to Mandy Kiss, who makes regular donations of her highly-sought-after knitted pugs in various outfits, that have raised £3,000 alone this year!

The Mega Auction is closing for a well-deserved seasonal break, RETURNING on 25th January 2024, and it will feature some fantastic antique and vintage collectibles.
Don’t miss out and make sure to join the group if you are not a member already. We have 5,500 members.
Meanwhile Catherine’s Marj, would like to wish all our donators and supporters a Very Merry Christmas!

If you have any items you would like to donate, please contact Pippa, Catherine or Carolyn via the Mega Auction Facebook Group
Facebook: Log into Facebook

To see other areas of fundraising or ways you may be able to support us in this way, go to: Fundraising & Events 2023 | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
by Yasmin | 18 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Fundraising
The PDWRA 2024 Calendar is still available. HURRY to GET YOURS NOW for the NEW YEAR!

Last of the stock is available to order for the New Year, Jan’ 2024!
Please Pay via PayPal:
At Only £12, including 1st class postage, it’s a great way to support PDWRA too!
For further information on Fundraising and why we rely on it, please see:
Fundraising & Events 2023 | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
by Yasmin | 17 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Pug Health
It’s that time of year again where there are plenty of potential hazards to our furry friends, particularly our foods and treats that are being brought into the home.

As well as the festive greenery that may make your dog very ill, tempting foods which we may think are a treat for them can actually cause a great deal of harm.
Vets will treat 75% more cases of dogs eating foods that are poisonous to them in December, so it’s important to be aware of what to avoid and ensure others know about them too:
– Chocolate, boxes lying around, tempting foil coins on the tree.
– Christmas cake, mince pies and Christmas pudding.
– Foods containing grapes, raisins, sultanas & currants.
– Traditional turkey, goose & chicken where cooked bones can easily splinter.
– Sage and onion stuffing, gravy, anything with onion, chives, garlic, celery.
– Do check for hidden seasoning ingredients in sausages, a particular Christmas treat from a roast dinner.
– Other foods, such as certain nuts, blue cheese, fatty and salty processed foods.
– Xylitol sometimes marketed as birch sugar, used in artificial sweeteners and sweeteners of products such as peanut butter, is toxic to dogs.
– Alcohol.
– Particular festive greenery and plants may make your dog very For a comprehensive list that are dangerous to dogs, see this poisons in your garden article.
– Oils from pine needles may be irritating to the mouth and stomach, causing excessive dribbling, vomiting and diarrhoea if chewed. Needles are also sharp so could cause physical injury in your dog’s mouth and throat.
– Potpourri is made up of various dried plants and flowers to create fragrant decorations. Depending on their toxicity they may cause, at the very least, vomiting and diarrhoea.
– Take care when using antifreeze (ethylene glycol). It tastes sweet so is tempting for dogs but can be lethal if ingested.
– Watch for dogs drinking out of puddles too as they may be tainted with antifreeze chemicals.
– Some snow globes contain anti-freeze and if broken, are a serious danger to your dogs.
– Salted roads & paths can also burn their paw pads.

Ice and snow can build up in the fur between their pads which is not only uncomfortable but increases the risk of frostbite. If your dog raises its paws, stops walking or whines it could be a sign that their paws are too cold.
When cold, a dog’s body limits blood flow to their extremities (paws, tail, ears etc.) diverting to keep their vital organs protected. This puts their extremities at risk of being damaged by the cold. If you’re concerned about them having frostbite contact your vet immediately.
So, on very cold, icy or snowy days, try to keep the time they spend outside to a minimum, and consider using a coat or paw protectors to keep them warm.
If you do buy a coat make sure it fits well so that it doesn’t restrict their normal movement, either through being too tight or too loose. If you’re outside in the cold and your pet starts shivering, or appears very tired, then get them home as soon as possible. If they are very unwell, get worse or continue to be unwell, contact your vet immediately.
However, some smaller or short coated dogs feel cold in the winter nip, so it may be a good idea to buy a well-fitting coat that will help keep them warm and dry on walks.
The dark mornings and evenings mean that you’ll most likely be taking your dog out for a walk when it is dark or gloomy, and you should think about how visible your dog is to other people when out walking in low light. Reflective collars and jackets are a good idea, and there are even some bright LED collars and tags available to help make your dog easier to see by other walkers and road users.

Christmas can be stressful for pets. The change in routine, visitors, children, loud music and decorations can all confuse or over-excite them. Planning ahead can help minimise stress for pets and ensure they have a happy Christmas, too.
A few things to consider include:
- Sticking to their routine as much as possible – their meals, exercise, bed and toilet break routines. Consistency helps them feel more secure plus they expect it!.
- Introduce new people carefully, at your dog’s own pace.
- Give them somewhere cosy and quiet to retreat to, away from all the excitement, leaving toys or familiar items to help keep them comforted.
- Don’t leave them alone too long – it’s easy to become distracted at such a busy time.
Likewise, if you’re spending Christmas away with your dog/s take something that smells familiar, like their bed, or favourite toys and chews to help keep them entertained and feel secure. Also, plan for them if they’re not going with you.
- Keep the number of an emergency vet on hand in case of accidents or if your pet eats something they shouldn’t.
- If your pet is on medication, stock up before the holidays so you don’t get caught out.
Most of all, have a very safe, comfortable and very Happy Christmas for All the family!

For a lot more information about pug health please see:
Seasonal Hazards for Pugs | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Pug Health & Wellbeing | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
by Yasmin | 16 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Volunteering
An Interview with Cara.
Cara has been volunteering for PDWRA for 2 years as a Voluntary Area Coordinator (VAC), supporting a few different regions during that time. She is a dedicated, compassionate, wise and experienced dog lover, such an asset to our team. Here she responds to some questions about her life and times!

- What made you want to become a volunteer with PDWRA?
I fell in love with Pugs completely by accident. An old schoolfriend had bred a litter and had one left just as I was looking for another dog to add into the mix with an elderly, and grumpy, Border Terrier. Percy was the only puppy left and came with a background that meant he would be robust enough to deal with grumpy Angus.

After Percy joined us I started to follow PDWRA and, while relocating from Scotland to Northern Ireland post-Covid, I saw an Ad looking for volunteer VACs. I applied straight away.
- How long have you been with PDWRA?
I’ve been with PDWRA for just over 2 years now. Time has flown!
- Do you own dogs yourself?
I currently have 4 dogs. My original Pug, Percy (6), a PDWRA adopted Pug, Milo (2) who joined us in September last year, an adopted elderly Wire Fox Terrier, Harvey (13) who joined us unexpectedly last October and Lily, a 2 year old Frenchie who we adopted and joined us in July this year.
- Do you have an inspirational/heart-warming story (can be about PDWRA or your own dogs?
I find the teamwork, and the lengths that the PDWRA volunteers will go to, both inspiring and heart-warming. One of the most complicated cases that I have been involved with was that of Delilah. I coordinated Delilah’s surrender in my area and I had arranged for her to be transported to a foster home in Devon. Shortly after her arrival in foster it became clear that she was pregnant, with puppies due imminently!
Delilah’s health was already complicated by severe BOAS and the UK was in the grips of a heatwave. I called upon my colleagues, including PDWRA Vet Advisor Helen McKee and Paula Parke, SE Vac for help. We decided the best course of action was to move Delilah into foster with a volunteer who was experienced in whelping and caring for young litters and their mums. This meant moving Delilah from Devon to Surrey – no small task! Four teams of 2 volunteers each stepped up – one driver and one carer for Delilah in each. Delilah was moved carefully between them all, to carefully selected handover points. She arrived safely and within a couple of weeks so did 4 beautiful Chug (Chihuahua-Pug) cross puppies.
None of this would have been possible without the dedication and selflessness of the volunteers involved and the amazing teamwork within the VAC team.
Please see link below to Delilah’s story.
- What plans do you & your dog(s) have over Christmas?
I work as an animal care assistant at a local cat and dog sanctuary so don’t have a lot of time off over Christmas. I am confident that there will be some long, muddy walks on a local estate and plenty of time on the sofa with both Pugs and the Frenchie piled on top of me!
- If you had to describe a pug in 3 words, what would they be?
Only 3! Tiny but Mighty Or Personal Anti-depressant + Dictator…

For Delilah and her pups’ story, please see:
Delilah at home with Doug!
by Yasmin | 15 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Volunteering
Article by Alison Dean.
Hi I’m Alison (Ali) and have been with the charity for nearly 2 years. I actually don’t own a pug but do have a cockapoo and am passionate about dog welfare and animals generally. At the time of writing I am house sitting, looking after a friends 19 year old cat whilst they are away.

Previously I was a Trustee for a local hospice, however wanted to dedicate more of time to an animal charity hence me joining the PDWRA.
I love to hear the stories of successfully adopted/fostered pugs and am learning all about their quirky, adorable ways. Despite the many success stories sometimes hard decisions have to be made and this is always very difficult but the welfare of the dogs is paramount in the decision making process.
My Cockapoo is called Izzi because of “Izzy whizzy let’s get busy” for those of you old enough to remember that great TV programme Sooty and Sweep – she is completely mad and rushes around doing lots of doodle dashes with an adorable smile on her face. There’s nothing she likes more than being at the beach and fortunately we both like sea swimming whatever the weather and we love taking her for walk in the forest and over the Purbecks.

Since joining the PDWRA I am now the secretary and have various responsibilities including organising the Crufts stand, production and distribution of the calendar, answering emails sent to the secretary email box and generally helping out wherever I can with the resource that I have available. Going forward I hope that we can carry out some successful fundraising activity and develop a fundraising strategy and get more volunteers on board to help out where required.

Whilst writing I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you that reads this newsletter and raises the profile of the charity and all it stands for and especially to everyone that shows their continued support whether by volunteering and/or donating. Without you we wouldn’t have the charity. Here’s to a successful 2024 and to the next 50 years!
If you would like to volunteer, please look at the options available:
Volunteering for PDWRA | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Vacancies | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
by Yasmin | 13 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Rescue Stories, Volunteering
Article by Paula Parke.
I’m Paula and I’ve volunteered for Pug Dog Welfare (PDWRA) since 2018. I have always had an active interest in animal welfare and have volunteered for Dog rescue charities both in the UK and Africa.

I got Tia (my first Pug in 2009) she joined Max our Dalmatian, followed by Jessica my second Pug in 2012. I joined PDWRA as a foster volunteer in 2018, following this I long term fostered Bonnie who could not be placed in adoption as she had spinal cysts, had been neglected and used to produce puppies. Sadly, we had to have Bonnie PTS this year as she had inoperable cancerous tumours. It’s thanks to the generosity of our supporters we were able to give Bonnie five good years of life.

In 2019 I became an Area Co-ordinator, and Josie joined my grumble, she had severe mental health issues and had been badly beaten. I remember life was put on hold for three months as Josie would scream and spin day and night. Thanks to support from Malcolm (PDWRA Vet advisor) we were able to get help from a specialist in behavioural medicine. Josie is now much improved and able to venture out for short walks where there are other people.
In 2021 I became a Trustee; my areas of responsibility are PDWRA’s operational processes and development including acting as the Lead for Area Co-ordinators across the country. I also have an active role within PDWRA’s core Communication group and social media support.

This year has seen a number of changes, with more elderly, disabled and very ill or at end of life Pugs being surrendered. In the earlier part of the year there was an increase in the number of Pugs surrendered and a reduction in adoption applications, in the last two months this situation has reversed. We have also seen an increase in other charities seeking our help with Pugs that have been surrendered to them. So far this year 218 Pugs have been surrendered to PDWRA and our veterinary costs are £209k (or over £200K) so far this year.
On behalf of PDWRA, We Wish you All and your Pugs, a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
If you would like to volunteer, please look at the options available:
Volunteering for PDWRA | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
Vacancies | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
by Yasmin | 12 Dec, 2023 | Blog, News, Pug Health
Article by Helen McKee (MRCVS)
PDWRA Vet Advisor.
This month I have decided to write about the condition of Protein Losing Enteropathy (PLE), as there have been a number of PDWRA pugs with the condition that has not been diagnosed by their veterinary surgeon.

Unfortunately, like so many other diseases, PLE is over-represented in pugs; I have seen more cases in the last 5 years working (voluntarily) for the Charity, than I ever saw when in practice.
PLE is an umbrella term for a group of diseases that damage the gut to such an extent that it not only has difficulty absorbing nutrients but also leaks protein out of the body.
It is caused by a number of conditions, including Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which is similar to Crohn’s Disease in people, Lymphoma, a tumour that infiltrates the gut, and Lyphangectasia, a swelling of the lymph vessels, which is often secondary to the first two diseases.
The disease I’ve most commonly seen in pugs that causes PLE is IBD, but I have also seen cases of lymphoma. However, both are treated the same way, so a definitive diagnosis is not necessarily needed. More on this later.
There are a few reasons a dog may develop IBD/PLE, including a food sensitivity and most commonly, overactive immune response (‘immune-mediated’).
The most common clinical signs associated with protein-losing enteropathy are primary gastrointestinal signs, like vomiting and diarrhoea. Chronic cases often result in excessive weight loss, dehydration and generalised weakness.
A chronic inflammatory response of the mucosal lining of the intestines leads to progressive damage, severe protein leakage, and improper nutrient absorption in dogs.
If your pug has had chronic (over 4 weeks) diarrhoea, that has not responded to normal protocols, your vet may culture the faeces and look for bugs such as Giardia and Salmonella. Giardia and overgrowth of gut bacteria are treated with a drug called Metronidazole (Metrobactin). Your vet may also prescribe a pro-biotic such as Pro-Kolin.
A bland highly digestible diet is also often prescribed.
If the symptoms continue, your vet might advise X-rays/ultrasound of the abdomen.
However, the most important test is a complete haematology and biochemistry blood profile. I like to request that the bloods go to an external lab to ensure accuracy.
If, along with the clinical signs, the blood albumin is low, it is highly likely to be PLE. There may also be signs of anaemia, low folate/B12 and inflammation.
If the disease has been left untreated for a while, the albumin levels can drop so low that it is life threatening. A critical level to sustain life ifs 15g/L.
To make a definitive diagnosis, gut biopsies may be suggested, however, since the main causes of PLE in a pug are treated the same way, then this may not be necessarily needed especially if finances, or the welfare of the dog doesn’t allow it.
We treated our 11 year old pug Hugo without carrying out a biopsy and after 9 months of treatment he is now in remission.
PLE caused by IBD or lymphoma are treated with immune suppressive drugs. Ideally catch the disease early and hit hard with the medication, which can then gradually be reduced.
The most common drug is prednisolone, at initial doses of 10mg (even 15mg) once daily. Sometimes another drug is added if there’s an initial poor response, such as 2-4 weeks of Clorambucil.
Medication should be gradually reduced to minimum dose that is beneficial.
Cobaplex should also be given, which is a vitamin B supplement, as the condition causes a loss of this very important vitamin.
Finally, diet is very important. Hypoallergenic diets are often prescribed, made by companies like Royal Canin and Purina. Other diets that can work well with the condition are highly digestible low fat diets; I like Hill’s tinned low fat ID or Hill’s turkey ID, small amounts fed frequently to allow absorption by the damaged gut.
There are different levels of severity of IBD/PLE, so unfortunately some dogs deteriorate despite treatment, however others can go on to live for some time with the condition.
Wayne, who was surrendered into our care because of his condition (which was diagnosed by gut biopsy) and adopted by Barrie and Chris Jasper, survived 3 years, though I have seen other pugs die within a few months of diagnosis.
It is a condition that is managed and not cured, and dogs can have flare-ups.
My take home message from this is, if you have a pug that has had diarrhoea for more than 4 weeks that has not responded well to diet change and metronidazole, request a full blood profile (haematology and biochemistry) from an external lab. If the blood albumin is low, discuss with your vet the option of treating for PLE/IBD. The earlier it is treated, the more likely it will respond.
This article is dedicated to Fudge Wilkinson, pictured above, a PDWRA pug owned by Kerry and Pete, who sadly recently died of PLE.
Helen McKee (MRCVS)
PDWRA Vet Advisor.
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