Thank You for £932 in AmazonSmile Donations-Free to you!

UNFORTUNATELY, Amazon have since announced that their Smile charity programme will end on the 20th February 2023.
Your purchases will accrue donations to PDWRA until then.

Whether it’s Black Friday, Super Sunday or Cyber Monday or ANY Day, when you’re shopping on Amazon, please remember to always use the link to AmazonSmile:
or PDWRA’s unique charity link, at just one click is: 

It costs you nothing and we’ve just received our latest quarterly Donation from AmazonSmile of £932.47!

Imagine what it could be with all Your Christmas shopping included next time!

If you haven’t already, but want to donate to pugs in need, please set us up as your nominated charity.

From ‘Your Account’ go to ‘Your Amazon Smile’ which allows you to select:
The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association.

Amazon will donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us.
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu & tap on “AmazonSmile” within Programmes & Features
3. Select The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app.


Please encourage your family and friends too!

Plus, for other ways to support PDWRA, please go to: Donate while you Shop or Recycle! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (


Bonded-pair, Louise & Paul in their Forever Home!

Louise is a blonde/apricot pug and Paul is a black pug x dachshund.
Louise is charismatic, confident and cuddly – she’s a big kisser, too. She’s never happier than when she’s got a lap to sit on. Paul is a little more cautious when he meets someone new, but he’s incredibly cute with a long body and a big smile. Paul quickly bonded with my husband who calls him his ‘wingman…’ It’s a proper bromance.
Origin story: 🖼
They were surrendered aged two years, due to a change of work circumstances. They were fostered by PDWRA volunteers, joining a grumble of three and were extremely happy. Then they were matched with us and as soon as I saw a photo of them, I just knew they were for us. We had to wait until we came back from a holiday to get them and were beyond excited when we finally met them.
A pug’s life: 🏡
They settled in brilliantly. We sensed they had previously been well cared for because they were so trusting and relaxed with us. I also think the transition was probably easier for them because they had each other. My husband and I work from home and our daughters were on holiday from college, so the pugs had constant care and companionship while they adjusted and joined us on every outing. I think that probably helped them feel secure, I just kept hoping that they would know that this time it was their forever home and that they wouldn’t be moved again.
What they need and like: 🐾🌊⚽️
They absolutely love walks and set off like a pair of huskies. Surprisingly for pugs, they even don’t mind the rain. They will both merrily hurl themselves into a puddle, pond or the sea. Louise loved a pamper session and enjoys a bath, Paul likes to play in the water but does not like getting his feet dried afterwards! Louise brings anyone and everyone a toy when they come to the house. They both like toys and balls and have already ripped their way through plenty!
Personality traits: 💅🏼🚁
Louise mothers Paul and he will often look to her for reassurance and she’s always on the lookout for him. If she stops and sniffs when we are out walking, she will double back for him. They regularly groom each other, which is really heart-warming to see, like a little married couple and when they curl up together, they look like the yin-yang symbol. They’re quite territorial at home and if an aeroplane or helicopter dares fly over our garden, they will be sure to make it known. They are definitely a double act when it comes to barking!
PDWRA receive many pairs in need of their forever home and are never separated then if they are bonded. If you feel that you’d like double-the-love in your home, you can apply at:

Adopting Edward!

Another SUCCESS STORY! The adoption of Edward.

We speak to his adopted owner about their new life with a PDWRA pug.

Pug name: Edward
😊 Personality: He is an absolute lover of all things cheeky. He is incredibly playful, energetic and loving. He’s an absolute joy to share our home with, a best friend to my daughters and a much-loved family member.
📖 Origin story: We adopted him at two years. He has been with us for just over a year.
🐾 A pug’s life: He is just so happy. When he came to live with us, he was at first very verbal when meeting other dogs on a walk, which sometimes wasn’t well received. We now have daily walks on a lead and a daily visit to a secure walking field where he can run off the lead and we’ve found he becomes a little cheeky if he doesn’t have daily exercise.
🐓💅🏼 What he needs and likes: He loves lots of cuddles, roast chicken, walking in new places with new smells, particularly visiting family in London, where there are so many dogs he can smell. He is incredibly good at his grooming appointment every two months, where he has a wash and blow dry along with his nails trimming and teeth cleaned.
❤️ Personality traits: Just the BEST dog ever, we love him so much.

If you’re interested in adopting a pug, please apply:

Lest We Forget…..

Lest we forget…

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Coming Soon – PDWRA 2023 Calendars!

Due to popular demand, the PDWRA 2023 calendar is in production and will be available shortly.
This is a great way for you to support what we do, and we have a 2023 calendar filled with wonderful pugs with incredible personalities for our 50th anniversary year!
Here is a sneak peek behind the scenes of the calendar and some of the wonderful cast of pugs, including Annie (below left & right), Frank (top left), George (top right) and Reggie (top centre). (These are not pictures from the calendar)
Price and release date will be confirmed shortly.

Keeping your pugs safe & calm during fireworks.

As many as a third of all dogs will struggle on Bonfire Night, so here are some tips to help you through the weekend.


  • Walk them before it’s dark.
  • Watch out for spent fireworks when walking your dogs. Diwali celebrations started before bonfire night.
  • Feed your dogs before fireworks begin, as they may be too stressed to eat.
  • Make sure your house or garden is escape-proof, as they can bolt or go missing. (Check their microchip registration is up-to-date!)
  • Keep windows and curtains closed, the lights on and turn the TV on to play music to help drown out the noise.
  • Create a safe, cosy place for your dog to settle before it gets dark. Dogs enjoy cosy dens.
  • Keep them entertained to take their mind off the noise.
  • Comfort and reassure them.
  • Desensitise pets to noise: Playing fireworks noises quietly using sound CDs, while rewarding calm behaviour, can help them become accustomed to the noise. Play them in the run up to firework season, to help them see they need not be afraid.
  • Consider anxiety relief products: Anxiety relieving products containing pheromones are an effective way to help your pet stay calm also comforting jackets are like a big hug!
This Friday and Saturday, why not join Charlotte Hawkins for Pet Classics, soothing classical music for all pets and animals who might feel anxious and scared with loud noises of Bonfire Night.
Classic FM is the UK’s favourite classical music station. Listen across the UK on 100 – 102 FM, DAB, online at Classic FM – The World’s Greatest Music
Further Advice & tips can be found at:

Darling Baloo!

Baloo 01/01/2011 ~ 06/10/2022
” Our dear boy Baloo came to us on 3rd December 2016.
Baloo was the most docile, loving, gentle pug.
He will be greatly missed and always loved.

May your paws be resting in much deserved puggy peace”.

Baloo’s Heartbroken Mum, Kay. 

Of PDWRA, Kay says, “Thank you PDWRA for entrusting this adorable soul into our home six years ago ~ we will always be grateful to you for letting us love and care for him, and for your support with advice during these past months”.



To pay tribute to your sadly lost and beloved PDWRA pug on this dedicated web page,
please email your story, or whatever you would like to say about them, with photos, to:


Update on Delilah!

While we followed Delilah’s pups progress, starting their adventures in their new homes, many of you have asked how Delilah is doing. We reported that she may need BOAS and to be spayed, when she was strong enough and both procedures took place last week.

We know how worrying it is whenever our pugs go through surgery, and there was an anxious 24 hours afterwards when her recovery required assistance. Thankfully she pulled through and is now at home doing really well with her wonderful foster Mum and resident pug, Doug, who looks like he could be Delilah’s forever brother!

“Delilah’s improved massively this week”, her foster Mum says, “She’s resumed walks and her breathing is fine”.

We couldn’t wish for more for her, could we?!

Delilah’s previous post: Delilah’s Puppies doing well! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (


Interview with Paula: An Experienced Volunteer Area Coordinator

We need Volunteer Area Coordinators (VACs)! They are the backbone of the Charity, helping to coordinate between pugs being surrendered, and finding their new homes. 
Here is an interview with Paula Parke: Volunteer Area Coordinator.  

Paula, how did you start volunteering for the PDWRA?

I have been active in dog, small animal, and farm animal rescue for most of my life. I got my first pug in 2009 and fell in love with the breed. In 2011 I got my second pug they have been my constant companions ever since. In 2018 a change in my personal circumstances meant I was able to consider volunteering again and whilst looking at options I came across Pug Dog Welfare online and decided to apply. Over the years I have lost track of how many pugs I have fostered or placed in new homes and along the way I have acquired two more lovely girl pugs as long-term fosters. Seeing the pugs go to new adoptive homes is so rewarding, brings so much pleasure, and makes all the hard work worthwhile.

What does a Volunteer Coordinator do?

A Volunteer Coordinator (VAC) essentially helps coordinate public interaction with the charity in the region they look after. This ranges from taking calls from people surrendering their pugs wanting to hand in their pugs or asking for advice, coordinating taking in placing the pugs into new homes, doing organising, taking part in, and approving or rejecting home checks results for potential adopters, and organizing fosterers, as well as managing transporters and other volunteers, and overseeing and approving payments for vet care to them other local volunteers. The VAC is also responsible for keeping the trustees updated on activity in their areas and helping to promote the achievements and needs of the charity by contributing towards our social media and other publications.

What makes a good Volunteer Coordinator?

A good Volunteer Coordinator must be dedicated, committed, passionate, and have excellent organization skills since they generally manage more than one multiple pug rehoming cases and volunteers at any one time. In addition, they must have exceptional communication and listening skills to handle the needs of people who maybe are going through a sensitive time, either surrendering or taking on a new pug. Flexible working including some weekends and team working skills are necessary attributes also.

Who does a Volunteer Coordinator work with?

Apart from their own local applicants, volunteers, vet services, other dog rescue charities. A Volunteer Coordinator works with their PDWRA counterparts across the UK and gets support from the trustees and Lead VAC coordinator Paula Parke and Vet advisors Helen and Malcolm McKee.

How much time does it take?

This very much depends on the amount of time a volunteer can give and the volume of demand for PDWRA help in the area they cover. Most VACs give around 5-6 hours a week, but this can vary enormously depending on how much people want to get involved. If you are interested, why not have a chat with us about what is involved?

You can email the charity on:

Plus, there is also more information on the role at: Vacancies | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

You can email the charity on:

Plus, there is also more information on the role at: Vacancies | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (


PDWRA’s Vet Advice on Pug Weight!

Hello everyone!

My name is Helen McKee. My husband Malcolm, and I are retired vets and we have been voluntary Veterinary Advisors for the Charity since 2018.

We set up our own Referral practice over our careers; Malcolm was previously a specialist orthopaedic surgeon and neurologist, whereas my background is both primary small animal, and latterly, Governmental work in Animal Health and Welfare.

We carry out the role of Veterinary Advisors for the PDWRA as we are both passionate about the health and welfare of pugs, who, through man’s making, have made pugs very prone to a large number of health issues.

In each of our newsletters we will discuss a particular health problem associated with pugs. Here, I am going to discuss the rather sensitive topic of a pug’s weight.

When a pug is overweight, it becomes a health issue in itself. It also exacerbates health issues that pugs are prone to including breathing, spine and leg problems. Obesity in dogs is also now classed as a welfare issue by DEFRA under their welfare legislation.

It is very easy to overfeed a pug; with their soulful eyes and appetite like a Labrador, they can trick you in to feeding them more than they need. Pugs are only little dogs and actually only need a small amount of food. Recommendations on the back of dog food are a guide only and pugs often need less than recommended. Basically, if your dog is putting on weight then it is eating too much, and the amount of food needs to be reduced.

I have attached a link to an article on our website ‘Fit not Fat’ which shows the ideal weight of a pug through how it looks; it’s not about weight as such, but a Body Condition Score (BCS) which should ideally be around 5/9. As you can see by the illustrations, 5/9 is nice and slim.

FIT not FAT! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

This chart is issued by the University of Cambridge (2017 Copyright) and shows us how our pugs should look.

If your pug is kept slim, it will be so much healthier and happier!

Helen McKee (MRCVS)

The latest on Quinn!

The Latest News on Quinn! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

We’ve kept you updated about young Quinn, gently improving with dedicated care after his terrible start in life. Quinn’s progress, aided by your generous support! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

Since then, Quinn has experienced a lot of ‘firsts’. These include simple things like playing with toys and chewing them, going out on his own into the open space of gardens and sitting with his fosterer, Kellie’s pugs, from preferring his own company. He’s even found a slight bark!

Quinn has also moved away from hourly medication and his hormones kicked in following receipt of proper nutrition, which was a massive achievement for his little body, so he’s well enough to be neutered and have the X-rays he needs to assess his spine as he’s believed to have been kept in cramped conditions, such that he wasn’t very aware of his legs or what his body could do! 😩

For a full update on his progress and potential future needs, with latest photos, why not subscribe to our new digital newsletters? Just send an email to:
You will be included in our regular mailings and can unsubscribe at any time.

Donating to Pug Dog Welfare | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

About Peggy!

Peggy came to the PDWRA earlier this year and needed emergency surgery to remove her right eye, which was ruptured due to trauma. She was only eight weeks old!

Thanks to the PDWRA network, she was operated on within two days and recuperating with a foster family by the end of the week.  

She weighed 1.1kg and needed to wear a cone so she could not scratch or infect the wound as it healed. 

A few days later, she was at the house that would become her forever home, joining two PDWRA adopted pugs, and her Frenchie-pug sister. 

Peggy’s recovery from her operation was smooth, and she now enjoys regular walks with her pack and weighs almost 4kg.  


“Peggy is a lovely, sweet-natured if mischievous little girl who massively looks up to the older dogs.” said PDWRA volunteer, Tris, Peggy’s ‘dad.’


“She had a really traumatic week early on in her life but the network of volunteers in the PDWRA is so strong that it wasn’t going to be long before her perfect home was found. Fortunately, that’s here with us. She’s a special girl and we adore her!”. 

Puppies each find their new loving homes.

Dear Delilah delivered her gorgeous chug puppies safely once in our care. 
Drawing on our national network of volunteer co-ordinators, transporters, fosterers and adopters, here they are now!

They were in the very best hands throughout, each bringing the greatest joy to their new, lucky PDWRA families.
If you would like to adopt, please go to:
or foster:
If you would like to volunteer for PDWRA, please go to:

Tia, our joyous blind pug!

Millie and Tia were adopted by Sue days before her own Mum unexpectedly passed away. She believes ‘they’ rescued her as much as the other way around. Sue also wanted to share the hugely positive experience of adopting a blind pug.

Sue says:

” I just wanted to share our love for Tia, our beautiful rescue pug who is blind and has so many uncomfortable medical issues including skin irritation. Such an optimistic, positive, happy little pug who loves nothing more than to snuggle.

Unlike sighted pugs she doesn’t look at us which is so sad and often heads in completely the wrong direction – she is also facing life without Millie her fellow rescue who sadly passed earlier in the summer. We all miss Millie so much but for Tia she was her eyes and confidence … however little T as we call her, soldiers on and we hold her ever closer.

Blindness is often avoidable which makes it all the more sad but adopting a blind pug for us has been a joyous experience and this beautiful little character has shown us so many positive lessons in life that the honour to have her is all OURS!.”

Please see their original story at:

Millie & Tia having the best retirement! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

Puppies Progress!

Delilah’s 4 Puppies continue to thrive and are as active as you’d expect. Homes are being lined up for each of the puppies.
Here’s another delightful glimpse of the boy pup at 1 month old, and with his girl siblings recently.
They are Chugs! Mum Delilah is a pure pug, and we discovered that Dad was a Chihuahua. They made beautiful puppies!
Delilah’s special gifts to PDWRA, appeared a few weeks after arriving in our care! 
They’re all doing really well being cared for by a very experienced puppy fosterer of ours.  
In order to get Delilah to her fosterer before the birth, 4 separate pairs of wonderful PDWRA volunteers drove and handed her over across the country to her final destination.
We couldn’t be prouder or more grateful to everyone involved in the logistics and the volunteers who transport for us typically during the weekends. 


Delilah was surrendered to PDWRA as in her home here was fighting between all the dogs, plus there were concerns for her about BOAS despite already having had surgery for it.

Unfortunately, Delilah became unwell soon after coming into our care and our vet discovered to everyone’s surprise that she was pregnant!

Everyone was prepared that she might not be able to cope with a natural delivery due to her breathing, but she did it! … Just a few weeks later 4 puppies were born, 3 girls arrived safely in quick succession followed later by a boy.

Mother and pups are doing really well in the care of a very experienced PDWRA foster home.

To find out how Delilah’s getting on:

Anyone wishing to adopt from us, please apply via:

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