Volunteer Nicola, Vet Practice Owner.

Article by Volunteer Nicola, a Veterinary Nurse and Director of Tenderpaws Vets in West Wickham, Kent. 

My passion is pugs! I’ve grown up with them and in some way or another have supported Pug Welfare through those years. That leads me to say I have 8 pugs! 3 black, 4 fawn and 1 white called Charlie. Each have special needs and requirements 😂. All have different characters especially Charlie.

The circumstances around Charlie’s surrender were difficult, as he was terrified of men and would start fights with the other dogs in the surrenderers’ home. He’s a wonderful pug though, and I wouldn’t be without him!

I recently took in another troubled dog which wasn’t able to settle in a previous foster placement and showed signs of aggression. Eventually I found him a fantastic home where there were no other dogs and he’s very happy now.

I’ve fostered many pugs for the PDWRA but I’m generally a hopeless fosterer and have kept most of them! Over the years I’ve also helped with transporting pugs and continue to help out with problem solving both at home and at work.

As well as helping out the PDWRA in the practice wherever I can, I also do home checks and make follow-up visits for pugs placed in adoption.

I feel as though I’m privileged to be able to help a charity which gives vital love, care and support to many needy pugs!



If you feel you could foster or volunteer as Nicola describes, please see further details at the following webpages:

Fostering | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

Volunteering for PDWRA | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

Happy National Black Dog Day!

It’s the 1st October, National Black Dog Day!

On the same date each year, it’s a day to celebrate black dogs, originally created to raise awareness of how they were often passed over in rescue shelters and to break the historic stigma surrounding their colour.

However, we know black dogs make just as loving and loyal pets as any other colour. Why wouldn’t they? In fact, they’re unique in character and very special. Black pug owners will know that!

Here are a few gorgeous black pugs that have featured in our rescue news and stories:

Here’s a lovely selection of our Facebook followers’ pugs that were shared with us for National Black Pug Day.

Autumn Hazards!

With the weather starting to change and Autumn drawing in, it’s a good idea to remind ourselves of the potential hazards to keep an eye out for, some quite serious, in order to keep our pugs safe.

  • Not only do piles of leaves hide what’s beneath them, they can develop bacteria and mould. If your dog ingests these it can lead to gastrointestinal upset.
  • Likewise, mouldy discarded foods can contain lots of different toxins, in particular on dairy products, bread or nuts, which can cause dogs to quickly develop muscle tremors or seizures.
  • Fermenting fruit, produces a natural alcoholic compound, which is toxic. If your dog eats such fruit, they are likely to suffer from sickness and diarrhoea, and also, may run the risk of having a toxic reaction to the natural alcohol produced by the fruit as part of its fermentation process.
  • Fruit stones, cherries, damsons, plumbs or similar if chewed produce cyanide, if swallowed whole, can cause choking or obstruction.
  • Acorns or horsechestnuts (conkers) can lead to sickness and diarrhoea, and if ingested in large quantities are toxic. They are also a choke hazard or can potentially become lodged in the gut causing a blockage, so make sure that your dog doesn’t eat any!
  • There are hard to identify, dangerous mushrooms, where signs of poisoning vary dramatically from stomach upset or blood in the stools to neurological effects such as hallucinations or fits, kidney or liver failure. The symptoms may present very suddenly or be delayed by days.
  • Poisoning from spring bulbs like daffodils, tulips or crocus are most likely to occur from being eaten in autumn when they are planted, or when they begin to flower in spring.
  • Fireworks can contain hazardous chemicals which can be poisonous to your dog. Initially these poisons can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, tummy pain and/or bloody stools. More severe effects may include seizures and the chemicals may also affect your dog’s breathing, kidneys and liver. Don’t let your dog into your garden unsupervised around Bonfire Night and other seasonal celebrations, without checking first that none have fallen into your garden.
  • Chocolate sales rise around Halloween, but remember it contains a stimulant called theobromine, poisonous to dogs. The amount of theobromine differs depending on the type of chocolate, dark chocolate having the most in it. Theobromine mainly affects the heart, central nervous system and kidneys.  Signs can occur from 4 to 24 hours following ingestion where you may see vomiting, diarrhoea, restlessness, hyperactivity, rapid breathing, muscle tension, lack of coordination, increased heart rate and possibly seizure.
  • The worst of all the chemical spills is antifreeze, (ethylene glycol) which can leak from a car’s radiator. Ingestion is very dangerous. It is sweet tasting and very palatable to dogs, though even a relatively small quantity can cause serious kidney damage or be fatal. The first signs of intoxication can be that your dog appears ‘drunk’.  If you know your dog has ingested ethylene glycol or you have any concerns, contact your vet without delay.  The prognosis is poorer the longer it takes to initiate treatment.

So please be extra vigilant, and if you suspect your dog has been affected in any way. Contact your vet as soon as possible to discuss symptoms.

For further related information, see:

The Kennel Club:
Dogs Trust:

Enormous Thanks to Lynn Parsons for her fundraising & donations!

Meet Lynn, one of our super PDWRA fundraisers.

Lynn lives in the lovely South West of England with her husband Geoff, and their family of five male pugs.

Lynn and Geoff first became fosterers for the PDWRA in early 2019, taking on with welcome arms, two foster pugs with substantial needs who consequently never left!

Last year, they kindly took in another blind foster pug who was also adopted.

Lynn has always had an active voluntary role in her local community.  Her repertoire spans from organising the yearly village pantomime, supporting the local cat rescue, and lucky for us; fundraising for the PDWRA.

Throughout the summer weekends, Lynn attends the local rallies with her family, and raises much needed funds for the PDWRA by holding Teddy Tombola’s. She raises hundreds of pounds each time, regularly received by us throughout the summer.

So even before a well deserved break for the autumn, Lynn has organised a fundraising pantomime, producing and directing it, donating nearly £1,200 to PDWRA this time.


Lynn’s grandaughter has learned to use the sewing machine and even makes bow-ties, see pic of pug in one! 

We cannot thank Lynn enough for her enthusiasm and dedication to our cause.

Thank You So Much Lynn. You really are a Superstar!

To find out a bit more about why we need to continually fundraise, and how you can help, please go to:
Fundraising & Events 2023 | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

To Donate, please go to:
Donating to Pug Dog Welfare | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

Great News – Pogo & Pete in their Forever Home!

Following our social media appeal to find a forever home for 1 year old boys Pogo and Pete, a number of interested applicants came forward and very quickly their future Dad was identified, happy to take both of them!

PDWRA’s next task was to transport the boys, who were located in NI, across the Irish Sea to the mainland. Thanks to the generosity of our Volunteers, only 2 Transporters were involved – Karen, who brought them all the way from NI to mid Wales, where volunteer, Claudia took over and transported them to a temporary foster home for a few nights until their Dad returned to England from his summer holiday.

Pogo and Pete are now settling in as enthusiastically as everything they approach (like scaling fences!), and we hope, looking forward to their upcoming training sessions in pug good manners!!

We are proud of another successful and heart-warming life story enabled by our network of volunteers and star adopters and fosterers.

Pogo and Pete are in a wonderful home, used to taking on pairs, and will have the best life we could imagine for them.

Their original Appeal:
Pogo & Pete are each looking for their own forever homes! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)


Could You Adopt Young Daphne?

**Great News Update**
Daphne, adopted & completely at home! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)


Meet Daphne. She is looking for her adoptive home.

At 5 years-old, Daphne is a typical fun-loving pug.  She is comical, sweet, playful and affectionate. She adores people and has previously lived with children.

Daphne has also previously lived with another female pug, and is currently in foster with a small dog and bitch.  She has shown some dominance towards the submissive male, but this has improved during the time they’ve been together.

Daphne could live as an only pug, or potentially share her home with another pug, ideally a well-balanced, steady one who can manage bossy moments if they arise, though she is likely to settle into a new canine relationship with patience, time and boundaries.

Daphne has the early symptoms of constrictive pug myelopathy. This affects the mobility in her hind legs however, she runs and plays, and can manage stairs. She is fully continent.


To find out more about Daphne’s condition, our veterinary adviser Malcolm McKee has written an excellent article that can be found at: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/spinal-conditions-in-pugs/

If you are interested in offering Daphne her forever home or have any questions, please email directly:  janemac001@nullbtinternet.com

To formally apply to adopt her, you will need to complete an application, referencing ‘Daphne 23135’ at: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/adopting-a-pug/

If you are already registered with us and are interested in adopting Daphne, please speak to your PDWRA Area Coordinator directly.

Happy International Dog Day!

The purpose of International Dog Day is to celebrate all dogs, mixed breed and pure, and to raise awareness about their needs, especially the ones that need to be rescued.
It was created in 2004 by animal welfare activist and pet lifestyle expert Colleen Paige, now celebrated every 26th August, all over the World.

PDWRA have special reason to celebrate all those we have Rescued and Rehomed. Please see some of their stories at: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/category/rescue-stories/

Some ways to celebrate International Dog Day are:

  • Adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue group such as ours
  • Volunteering at a local animal shelter or dog charity
  • Donating to a dog-related cause or organization
  • Taking your dog for a walk, hike, or swim
  • Playing with your dog and giving them treats and toys
  • Teaching your dog a new trick or skill
  • Taking your dog to a groomer or spa
  • Sharing photos and stories of your dog on social media
  • Thanking a dog hero such as a service dog, therapy dog, or police dog

If you would like to Donate towards our rescue work, please go to: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/donating-to-pug-dog-welfare/

Thank You!

Fosterer Steve & the Grumble!

It never ceases to amaze me as to how diverse the hobbies and occupations of PDWRA applicants are – everything from constructing shepherds huts, supplying articles for film sets, raising rare plants, to tinkering with vintage racing cars.

Steve, in his workshop in the wilds of the Sussex Downs, makes guitars.

He combines this hobby/business with fostering pugs for PDWRA. And he has the ideal set up – he’s home virtually all the time to keep an eye on the pugs.

There are beds set out in his workshop so they can have a snooze, or a wander round the garden as they choose. When it’s walkies time, he just opens the back gate to a footpath leading to a disused railway line, ideal walking terrain for pugs.

Steve and his wife Joanne first fostered a bonded pair of pugs, a mother and daughter combination, who earned the name “the bulldozers” for their considerable pulling power. They both fell in love with the pugs and Joanne went on to adopt them as a surprize for Steve. They already had 4 pugs (and a bichon frieze who thinks he’s a pug), who have various disabilities that require managing, but the girls just stole their hearts.

They are now fostering a young male pug surrendered in a very poor state and who is gradually being brought back to health. Despite the challenges this brings, he has thrown himself wholeheartedly into the fostering role, rewarded by seeing the changes to this unfortunate boy, brought about in a few short weeks with the right care.

People like Steve, who can combine their interests with volunteering for PDWRA are the backbone of the charity and our thanks go out to them.

By Jackie,
PDWRA VAC for Steve & Joanne.

If you could offer a caring, foster home to a pug in need, please apply at: Fostering | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

Quinn’s 2nd Birthday & Gotcha Day!

A Celebratory Day for Quinn, made special by our PDWRA Volunteers who helped Quinn through all his hurdles and milestones, who would likely never had seen this day!

In the happiest of photos from the day, holding Quinn at the back, is PDWRA VAC Jacqui, with volunteer Wendy holding Nugget, Quinn’s companion and another PDWRA pug. Quinn’s devoted Mum Kellie, is at the front with Ralf, not a PDWRA pug, but happily joining in the festivities!

Kellie is forever grateful to his angel PDWRA vet nurse, Helen, campaigning & fundraising volunteers as well his amazing local vet team and volunteers, who never gave up on the mighty Quinn.

Quinn will still need ongoing monitoring and tests along with medication which remains costly, in addition to those for all the other pugs in our care. Only recently Quinn had some lumps removed, more unexpected surgery, and fingers-crossed they don’t return.
This is why we continue to ask for donations, however small, to contribute towards his vet costs.
Donating to Pug Dog Welfare | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)
Thank you!

The Mighty Quinn! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)


Tully’s Very Happy Adoption!

Tully was surrendered to the care of the PDWRA with another pug from an ex-breeder. She had thankfully been rescued by him at the beginning of the year from an abusive owner. Unfortunately after a little while, fighting was developing in the pack at Tully’s new home so we were called with the request to rehome her.

Tully, is such a beautiful,  intelligent, innocent young girl, and was placed in one of our foster homes with 2 elderly PDWRA pugs who would be less reactive. Tully was neutered in the meantime.
Still under 2 years of age, naturally energetic and loving, Tully showed absolutely no signs of aggression there.

Tully’s fosterer thoroughly enjoyed her company as she settled very quickly into their routine and with the two senior pugs. She seemed to know not to bother them, has pretty good manners and with some extra training would be a perfect little pug. She knew the word “sit” but that was about it.

Meanwhile, a previous PDWRA adoptive couple in another region of the UK had not long lost their beloved pug, Gertie, to cancer. They were bereft as Gertie was such a fundamental part of their lives, giving her Mum a new lease of life following some poor health.

Also, having set up a local pug-meet group in their area, Gertie was well-known to the whole pug community there.

We weren’t sure whether they were ready to consider another pug so soon after losing Gertie, but they were asked as it might have helped with their grief, and they said yes, feeling that Gertie had sent her to them, while they still had so much love to give.

Tully was in the right place at the right time for Gertie’s parents. It was like fate. She is a perfect match for them and they are delighted. Tully too, is in her perfect home, one that her original, kind-hearted rescuer couldn’t offer himself!

Gertie will never be forgotten. They plan to hold a fundraising walk, in her memory to benefit other PDWRA pugs.

PDWRA is solely funded by public donations. We are extremely grateful for any form of fundraising towards pugs in need, in our care.
Fundraising & Events 2023 | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)



Violet – In Memoriam

In Memoriam – Violet – 6/11/2011 – 31/7/2023

Although not a PDWRA rescue, Violet was a friend to the charity, helping out with many fundraising activities and appearing several times in the PDWRA newsletters, most recently in the ‘sniffing’ feature in the April ’23 edition: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/sniffing-on-walks/

Violet first came into our lives in 2012, at around 16 weeks old. Her owners were responsible breeders who had initially decided to keep her, after a while though they realised that they had too many dogs to give all of them the attention they needed and decided to find a loving home for her. Fortunately, through a mutual friend, she ended up with her new mum, Joana.

It was clear from the start that Violet was a special pug and everyone who met her instantly fell in love with her. She was well-travelled from a young age, making many trips to Europe and she loved every minute of her adventures, walking in the mountains, running on the beaches and meeting new people.

When she was two, she was joined by her new sister Lilly, and they quickly became a loving and bonded pair of troublemakers.

Three years ago in 2020, Violet was diagnosed with the spinal issue Malcolm McKee discusses in his Pug Health feature: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/spinal-conditions-in-pugs/

With regular hydrotherapy and acupuncture, she was able to maintain a fairly normal life, until sadly succumbing to associated health issues at the end of July ‘23.

Violet was a truly beautiful soul who was full of life and is the reason her parents became involved with helping the PDWRA. She will always be remembered with fondness, gratitude and love for the immense joy she brought into our lives and will forever be greatly missed by her Mum Joana and Dad Robin.




To pay tribute to your sadly lost and beloved PDWRA pug on our dedicated In Memoriam web page,
please email your story, or whatever you would like to say about them, with photos,
to: yasmin.t.pdwra@nullgmail.com

Spinal conditions in Pugs

Article by Dr W Malcolm McKee
PDWRA Vet Advisor

Spinal conditions in Pugs.

Conditions affecting the spine are not uncommon in Pugs, unfortunately. This is because Pugs have been bred to have flat faces (brachycephalic) and linked with this is abnormal development of their spines and early degeneration of their discs.

The first sign that your Pug may have a spinal condition could be pain (such as reluctance to jump or yelping), however, more commonly weakness (referred to paresis) or wobbliness (referred to as ataxia) of the legs is noticed. Weakness may present as scuffing of the nails and wobbliness as loss of coordination of the legs. Problems affecting the neck will cause the front and back legs to be affected and conditions affecting the thoracic and lumbar (back) areas will cause just the back legs to be weak or wobbly. Severe cases may be urinary or faecally incontinent and affected Pugs may loss the ability to walk. Signs generally come on gradually and may progress slowly over many months or even years.

A good neurological examination by your vet should enable the location and severity of the spinal condition to be determined.

The most common spinal conditions in Pugs include hemivertebrae (HV), “slipped” disc, arachnoid cyst, syringomyelia, or a combination of these conditions (Pug myelopathy). Fractures, inflammatory problems and tumours are less common.

Hemivertebrae is due to abnormal development of the vertebrae (the bones of the spine). The deformed vertebrae cause compression of the delicate spinal cord and is often severe by the time the condition is diagnosed. The discs, which are positioned between the vertebrae, often degenerate in Pugs early in life, and become hard instead of jelly-like. They are then prone to bulging (“slipping”) and compressing the spinal cord. An arachnid cyst is a build up of fluid on the outside of the spinal cord and syringomyelia is a build up of fluid inside the spinal cord. Both of these conditions may cause compress the spinal cord.

Radiographs (X-rays) may be obtained to help diagnose the spinal problem, however, they are of very limited value as the spinal cord is not visible and thus it is not possible to assess if it is compressed.

An MRI scan is the best way to investigate a Pug with a suspected spinal condition and generally the scan will reveal the cause of the weakness/wobbliness or pain. Occasionally it is necessary to perform other tests, such as analysing a sample of the fluid around the spinal cord (known as CSF).

Once a diagnosis is reached treatment options can be considered – conservative management and surgery being the two possibilities. Unfortunately, the majority of spinal conditions that Pugs develop are very challenging to treat by surgery. This is partly due to the complexity of the underlying problem, such as vertebral deformity, but also because of the chronicity (duration), severity, and irreversible nature of the spinal cord injury. Indeed it is not uncommon for Pugs to be worse, at least temporarily, after spinal surgery.

With the outlook following surgery not being good it raises the question of the value of performing an MRI scan in these cases, especially when there are financial restrictions – MRI scans and complex spinal surgery are expensive and the majority of Pugs do not benefit from one or both being performed.

Conservative management of Pugs with weak/wobbly legs involves (1) ensuring they aren’t overweight (put him/her on a strict diet if necessary) (2) restricting exercise (small amounts often with avoidance of jumping and climbing) (3) exercising on the likes of soft grass rather than roads (4) protecting the nails of the paws with boots to stop them dragging and bleeding (5) supporting the back legs with a belly band.

Some Pugs that progress to the point of being unable to walk on their back legs may benefit from a cart with wheels – candidates need to be considered carefully, as these carts aren’t for every Pug. Often these dogs are also incontinent and urinary incontinence, in particular, can be difficult to manage, especially in male dogs. Quality of life needs to be carefully monitored and euthanasia considered where appropriate – under veterinary guidance.

Malcolm with his grumble, before the loss of Lily (February ’23) and Missy (May ’23).


PDWRA Vet Advisor

Pangpang the Pug’s Top 5 Healthy Treats

Pangpang’s Top Five Healthy Treats.

Pangpang, the UK’s best known pug, with over 500,000 followers, takes some time out to talk to us about his top five healthy pug treats…

“Like most pugs, I have the appetite of breeds twice my size! And to keep me in good shape and  protect my long-term health, my pawrents prefer to give me dog-friendly fruit and vegetables rather than processed treats. So, I wanted to tell you about some of my favourite post-zoomies healthy snacks that you can try with your pug!

  1. Blueberries

I’ve loved blueberries since the first time I tried them. You may have seen me on my socials running around the house and garden to get all the blueberries. I also like to chase them when Baba throws them so they serve as a delicious toy!

  1. Strawberries

A summer favourite, these help to keep me cool on hot days plus they’re good for me too! Baba chops them up for me as they can be a little big for a pug but definitely one I think your doggo would enjoy too!

  1. Banana

The only treat that makes me spin with excitement, banana has long been one of my favourite treats. Sometimes, I even have a smoothie made from banana and a couple of spoons of plain natural yoghurt.

Please note, ensure you avoid artificial flavours and sweeteners if trying this recipe at home, particularly xylitol which is dangerous for dogs.

  1. Cucumber

This one definitely divides the doggos, but I personally love cucumber! I’ve always been given it as a healthy treat and the best thing is that I can have it every day without gaining weight! It’s really important for pugs (and all dogs for that matter) to stay in their healthy weight range.

  1. Melon

This is a fairly new healthy treat for me but boy does it taste yummy! Baba is careful to remove all the seeds and cuts off the shell and bits I can’t eat, which can be a choking hazard. Then, I’m good to go! Definitely recommend having a try of watermelon and canteloupe.”

We’d like to give a huge thanks to Pangpang’s Dad Dan, for asking Pangpang to share his thoughts with us and if you’d like to keep up to date with Pangpang’s adventures, check out his links below to find out more –


Pogo & Pete are each looking for their own forever homes!

**SEPTEMBER UPDATE**  Great News – Pogo & Pete in their Forever Home! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

Pogo and Pete are litter brothers who have recently shared their 1st Birthday!

They are lively and enthusiastic as you’d expect with typical puppy behaviour, young and independent enough to be adopted individually, or together.

They have both been neutered and their house-training is ongoing.

They were surrendered to PDWRA, as they were coming off worse against an older dog in their home fighting with them, where they sadly came off worse defending themselves. We’ve been advised that they are fine with cats.

Pete is loving and enjoys cuddles. He’s a softie though can still be nippy, therefore having young children around would not be suitable. He doesn’t like being left alone and is still a little nervous.

Pogo doesn’t nip but is an escape artist! He can actually scale fences quite confidently therefore has to be watched closely and perhaps trained not to? See video!


If you can provide either of these boys a home, or know someone who would be interested, please apply at: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/adopting-a-pug/

Please Reference: POGO 23108  or  PETE 23107  in your application form. 

If you are already registered with us and are interested in adopting Pogo or Pete (or both!), please speak to your Area Coordinator directly.


Maria’s Story

Hello, everyone! My name is Maria, and I am a fawn Pug – but now rather grey, as I’m quite an old lady of fifteen years old! I now live in Kent, but I have not always lived here, so I am now going to tell you my story and how I came to live here.

I was born in the South-West of England, but once I was grown up, I am afraid to say that my early years were not very happy. I was bought by an amateur breeder and from my very first season, had to produce litters of puppies, so as my owner could make money. They were all taken away at a very young age and I never saw any of them again. I never lived in the house, just a small yard at the back, with a kennel. It was very cold in the winter and entirely unsuitable place in which to have puppies.

After some years in this unhappy situation, I suffered a prolapsed uterus as a result of such treatment and was no longer of any use to the puppy farmers. Fortunately, this was when I met PDWRA and as soon as I was collected, I knew I was in safe, kind hands. I was taken to a lovely warm house and was straight away given a bath (not such a pleasure!) and good food by my fosterer. Importantly, I also had good veterinary treatment for the prolapse. PDWRA did all this for me and once I was fully recovered, I was adopted by a lovely older lady, who loved me very much. We were close companions and dear friends and enjoyed some good years together, lots of fun and some very good times. 

Heartbreakingly, my dear old friend passed away and I was once again homeless. Fortunately for me, a young relative took me into her home and was very kind to me. However, she knew little or nothing about Pugs – we are a special breed, you see! – and although very well-fed from the delicatessen, I quickly had overgrown nails, infected ears, a skin infection I had had for a while really took hold and my dry eyes caused my eyes to crust over. After some happy time with my young friend, she was offered a job abroad and PDWRA stepped in again to help me and I was immediately placed with my new family in the Kent countryside. This was in the middle of lockdown in 2020, with all the difficulties with my collection and transportation that entailed!

When I first arrived in my new home, I slept for two days, without waking and everyone thought I must be dying. But at the end of the second day, I woke up and demanded roast chicken! I have had treatment for my dry eyes and my sight has been restored; my ear infection was treated and cleared up, and I have a regular manicure for my nails. The most difficult issue was my skin complaint, as the first vet we saw had not seen it before. Happily, PDWRA’s wonderful vet, Helen, had had a Pug with the identical complaint and she was able to work with a skin specialist at the amazing North Downs Specialist Referrals to devise a treatment plan for me. I still have to have the medicated baths – I always will do – but all my hair has now grown back and is soft and silky. 

Life is good. I enjoy my food tremendously – especially roast chicken! The other younger Pugs in my home know that I am an old lady and treat me with the respect I deserve. Very often, I have one sitting either side of me, keeping me warm and I really enjoy their company. In these summer months, I really enjoy sitting outside on the lawn, soaking up the sun. I cannot thank PDWRA enough for my good care!

Written by my Mum, on my behalf!

For more amazing rescue stories like mine, please go to: Rescue Stories | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

Or if you could foster to help pugs like me, when we need it, please go to: Fostering | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

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