Carolyn, proud PDWRA Mum who features her pugs on Instagram (The Hairy Heslops), has provided this wonderful photograph for us to celebrate Easter.
Here’s their Instagram link to follow them: – https://www.instagram.com/the_hairy_heslops/

We shall be featuring them in our next newsletter, so look out for it!

Also, Lynda, another proud PDWRA Mum, has shared this lovely photo of Superstar Eddie, who we’ll also have an update on, following his dedicated training!
Lynda is a dog trainer & behaviourist, also found on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/puppydogtails.co.uk/

EDDIE : https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/ready-eddie-go/

And here he is with Billy Bob, turning 6 months and training to be a pets therapy dog as well!

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