Driving Miss Dolly!

Driving Miss Dolly!

Dolly was surrendered to us recently. At 10 years-old, her loving owners felt she wasn’t getting the best out of life, living with demanding younger dogs and wanted to do the best for her.

We found Dolly a dedicated foster carer in Tracey, who described her initial adjustment period; “Dolly slept and had no interest in anything around her for the first week, but towards the end of the second week she became really cheeky and lively as a little bit of naughty puglet was coming through!”. Dolly liked her bed being placed by the front door. It seemed to be a comfort thing for her. She liked to sleep there at night but during the day was happy to lounge on the sofa!

Dolly was included in the local dog group morning walks where she was spoilt for attention and it wasn’t long before she was galloping around the garden and doing zoomies was becoming the norm!

Meanwhile, Dolly’s excited adopters were found on the other side of the country. They already had a pug called Luigi who was to be her companion.

The next step for the PDWRA team was to approach our transportation group plotting her journey on a day that everyone could make. Tracey’s family were going to take Dolly to the first meeting point. Volunteers came forward for the later sections of the route but it still left a gap. So, although not living near that section, Ian stepped forward to complete the chain. Additionally, that weekend, the M25 was closed for Ian to reach Tracey’s meeting point easily so he built in diversions & extra time for it, then everyone was set for a mammoth day.

It was a gloriously sunny day for Dolly, who proved to be such a great, chilled traveller, it couldn’t have gone better. It’s often amusing too when our transporters are trying to find each other especially at large service stations or if occasionally, someone’s at the wrong location. What would we do without WhatsApp, keeping everyone connected!?

Each stop enabled Dolly to stretch her legs and have a comfort break, so Tracey’s family said their goodbye’s, handing over Dolly and all her worldly possessions, to Ian.

Conscious of all the others waiting to set off at estimated times for each handover to happen, Ian was soon on his way to meet Jackie, one of PDWRA’s VACs, who then took Dolly on to meet volunteer Nicky, who finally united Dolly with Adam, her new Dad, all completed by the early evening.

Adam with precious cargo’ Dolly!

Adam updated the group after he got her home, “She’s soooo happy but also she’s absolutely tuckered out! I put her bed by the front door and she was straight in it. 🤣

Then Luigi lay down next to her so I had to put his bed next to hers. 🤣 She so owns the house already. Luigi is besotted with her. It’s so lovely to see how she has immediately settled and looks so at home. They are going to make a lovely couple 😂😂❤

After a week, Adam says “Dolly is absolutely amazing and so happy, she comes to the office every day. She now sleeps in the bed with us which she really loves, and everybody absolutely loves her. We couldn’t be happier with her!

From day 2 she was just staring up the stairs  😆 I put the mattress on the floor and put her bed in the bedroom.  First night she was on and off the bed, and ever since she just plonks down next to me and sleeps all night. 🥰

The pair are awesome together. They don’t cuddle up or play, but they get along as if they’ve always lived together. Dolly had some teeth removed as was planned, but you’d never know, she’s so content and chilled. She’s bonded with me though, and settled in so well.”

We’re all so happy to see Dolly thriving and really enjoying life with her new family. Here they are a month later having a family day-out:

This is precisely why we do what we do for pugs like Dolly and with thanks to all the volunteers involved on her journey, which also included VAC’s, Lisa who managed Dolly’s surrender and care up to her adoption by Adam, managed by Jane with support from Carol carrying out the home check. Amazing teamwork!


If you would like to provide a forever home by adopting, please apply at:

If you could care for a pug in readiness for their adoption, please apply at:

If you would like to volunteer to transport in your area, or perform home-checks for our precious pugs, please apply at:

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