Celebrating Heidi’s “Happy 1st Gotcha Day”!

Celebrating Heidi’s “Happy 1st Gotcha Day”!

Long-term foster, Heidi’s 1st Gotcha Day:

PDWRA was Heidi’s last chance! Exactly one year ago, now turning 14 year old, Heidi found her forever home with dedicated PDWRA volunteer, Maureen, who has had a lifetime’s experience with pugs.

Poor Heidi was rescued from an awful lifestyle with obvious signs of neglect. Weighing less than 4 kilos, with chronic infections, found to be totally blind and deaf. Who other than welfare would take her on?

“Well one year later as my long term foster, Heidi is enjoying every moment of her life despite her disabilities and loves all her resident companion Pug friends”. says Maureen.

“Heidi is well, she’s such a special pug, her diligence, you know. And I think if you can make people aware that, even if it’s only for a short time, it makes them happy, then it’s worth it.”

Despite her challenging past, Heidi’s resilience and playful spirit have shone through under Maureen’s expert care and experience. This started from childhood where her late Uncle bred pug’s and was well-known in the show world in the 1950’s.

Heidi has thankfully gone from strength to strength.

Let’s celebrate Heidi and the countless other pugs who have found love and happiness in their loving homes with the PDWRA!  

Stay tuned for Maureen and Heidi’s stories in our upcoming newsletter! Maureen has an amazing family history revolving around pugs, from rescuing to showing, including at Crufts! While Heidi’ has had an incredible journey since coming into Maureen’s care!

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Could You do what Maureen does?
Fostering | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

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