Order Your Unique Pet Portraits while Donating to Pugs!
PDWRA Pug Adopter and Fundraiser, Shirley has her pencils ready again after a short break this Christmas, to provide her wonderful portraits of Your Favourite Furry-Friends!
Inspired, upon adopting Daphne from PDWRA, artist Shirley has been generously using her talent to donate funds directly to PDWRA. Over £2,000 last year!
Shirley’s Inspiration, Beloved Daphne!
If you would like to own a unique and personal portrait of any four-legged animal please don’t hesitate to place an order to Shirley’s growing list.
All you need to do is provide an accompanying photo. Each portrait costs £15 only, where Shirley donates £10 directly to PDWRA, and £5 covers post, packaging & materials.
Please do so from within our Facebook Mega Auction Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/242845766241493/permalink/1899302960595757
You can private message Shirley from there.
We can’t thank Shirley enough for her generosity, as well as the joy she has brought to all those who have ordered already.
Here are a few examples:
Thank you for your support!
Interview with Adopter & Fundraiser Shirley | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association