**UPDATE: Gorgeous Gordon found his forever home following this appeal, and is settling in well sneaking snuggles with his new pug sister!**


We can’t believe this lovely boy, Gordon, hasn’t found his Forever Home yet!

For full details about 2.5 year-old Gordon please see his original appeal post, and how to apply: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/good-friday-gordon-is-appealing-for-his-forever-home/

Here he is looking pensive and hoping it will come soon, too!

Meanwhile, please enjoy these delightful images of him being so well taken care of, in foster, while you consider if you, or someone you know, might be able to take him into your hearts and home.


Gordon’s foster parents having some fun at his expense!

At the end of the day, when all his energy has been exerted!


And with the right companion, unfortunately not another boy, for peace & harmony for everyone!

Good Friday Gordon is appealing for his Forever-Home! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

Adoption | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

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