Our Volunteer Area Coordinators (VACs) are at the forefront of the Charity’s operations, they are responsible for the rescuing and rehoming of pugs in need, in their specific area of the country. VAC Lisa looks after the East of England.

Q. What made you want to become a volunteer?

 I’d long admired the incredible work of PDWRA & the dedication of the volunteers. I was really keen to get involved in some way but never took the leap, thinking I was too inexperienced & didn’t have enough knowledge. Fate took matters into its own hands however when I adopted my beautiful second pug, Lily, back in 2018. Clare, the VAC for East Anglia at the time, was there when I collected Lily and for some reason she asked me if I’d consider coordinating home-checks for the region & I jumped at the chance to join the team.

From there I was given the opportunity to lead one county, then two and with other VAC’s moving on to do different things I’ve now been the sole VAC for East Anglia, (covering 6 counties) for the past 3 years.
Yes, some days can be a real challenge ( a triple surrender, double surrender and single surrender all on the same day was particularly memorable) but the rewards far outweigh the negatives and I honestly wouldn’t change what I do for the world. I see it as such a privilege to volunteer for PDWRA.

Q. Do you own dogs yourself?

Yes, I currently have 3 pugs, having become addicted to the breed in 2010.

Bailee is an 11-year old PDWRA dog. We adopted him at a year old, having previously been locked in a shed & half starved. He came to us with barely any fur, having been covered in mange & demodex when surrendered. I say “he” but officially Bailee’s an hermaphrodite which means he has both male & female reproductive organs. A rarity in a pug I believe, but on the plus side, he can be entered into both male & female classes at dog shows, something which I’m embarrassed to admit I have actually done! 🤣

Lily is my second PDWRA pug, a now 12-year old ex breeding machine who we adopted at the age of 6.

Tank completes the trio & is my miracle baby! Never expected to make it to old bones, he’s now reached the grand old age of 12!  He still has good quality of life despite a catalogue of complaints including blindness, epilepsy, syringomyelia, patella luxation & carcinoma of the liver. Seeing all of those conditions listed like that makes me wonder why I ever doubted myself or my experience!

Q. Do you have any inspirational/ heart-warming stories?

 Where do I start? It’s so hard to pick just one out of so many pugs and families I’ve been fortunate enough to help over the past 6 years.
Although, having said that, a beautiful dog called Maverick who came to us 3 years ago, desperately in need of BOAS surgery (the worst case I’ve ever seen), will always have a special place in my heart.


Just one look at the pictures and videos I still receive from his lovely family brings a smile to my face and puts everything back into perspective when I’m having a bad day.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to draw attention to & say a huge thank you to my amazing team of volunteer home-checkers/ fosterers & transporters. They’re always ready to jump into action at a moment’s notice to help a pug in need & will travel miles, sometimes at very short notice and with little information about a case, to collect a pug from a surrenderer, or deliver them to their new forever home.

They really are an inspiration & make my role so much easier. We’ve fostered a real community spirit & I really couldn’t do what I do without them.


If you would like to volunteer to home-check or transport, please see: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/volunteering-for-pdwra/

or to foster: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/fostering-a-pug/

or if you would like to become a VAC, or consider other specific charity roles available, please see: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/volunteer-opportunities-at-pdwra/



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