Following our social media appeal to find a forever home for 1 year old boys Pogo and Pete, a number of interested applicants came forward and very quickly their future Dad was identified, happy to take both of them!
PDWRA’s next task was to transport the boys, who were located in NI, across the Irish Sea to the mainland. Thanks to the generosity of our Volunteers, only 2 Transporters were involved – Karen, who brought them all the way from NI to mid Wales, where volunteer, Claudia took over and transported them to a temporary foster home for a few nights until their Dad returned to England from his summer holiday.
Pogo and Pete are now settling in as enthusiastically as everything they approach (like scaling fences!), and we hope, looking forward to their upcoming training sessions in pug good manners!!
We are proud of another successful and heart-warming life story enabled by our network of volunteers and star adopters and fosterers.
Pogo and Pete are in a wonderful home, used to taking on pairs, and will have the best life we could imagine for them.
Their original Appeal:
Pogo & Pete are each looking for their own forever homes! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (