We began telling Peppa’s story when she was surrendered to PDWRA on the advice of a vet.

She had a proptosed eye (coming out of socket), and many health issues which required 6 months of multiple operations and rehabilitation, while we appealed for funds towards her vet costs, as well as to find a special home when she was fit and healthy for that final leg of her journey.

Well, she’s there, and we wanted to thank everyone who has been involved or contributed to make that happen so successfully for Peppa!

Peppa had the best, patient, foster care from Jo and her family during all of this and we can report that she has settled well in her forever family-home with adopters, Andrea and Paul, after a tentative adjustment finding her paws!

She’s happily bonding with the other rescue cats and pug brother there, as well as the smaller humans. 

She is a barker, though this is getting better. She will bark when the doorbell rings but calms down quite quickly. Barking out on walks is another story!

Peppa’s been welcomed with open arms, and this special girl is a perfect fit for the family. 

We’re delighted with this very happy outcome for all concerned, especially Peppa!

Peppa’s previous post:
Peppa’s Amazing Progress, Ready for her Forever Home! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)


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