The start to 2024 has been a bit of a whirlwind so far…

Already in the first 3 months, you can see, 54 pugs have been adopted. We have 60 pugs in long-term foster requiring that extra-special care with our financial healthcare support, and 43 pugs in short-term foster getting ready for their perfectly-matched forever homes!
Taking in so many pugs, many with special-needs, keeps our volunteers extremely busy and puts a strain on our finances. As ever, we are forever grateful to everyone for their contributions and support so far.
If you feel you could help with a donation towards our ever-increasing vet costs, please go to:
Donating to Pug Dog Welfare | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (
To read more about the rescue & rehoming stories contributing towards this, please go to:
Rescue Stories | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

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