As many as a third of all dogs will struggle on Bonfire Night, so here are some tips to help you through the weekend.


  • Walk them before it’s dark.
  • Watch out for spent fireworks when walking your dogs. Diwali celebrations started before bonfire night.
  • Feed your dogs before fireworks begin, as they may be too stressed to eat.
  • Make sure your house or garden is escape-proof, as they can bolt or go missing. (Check their microchip registration is up-to-date!)
  • Keep windows and curtains closed, the lights on and turn the TV on to play music to help drown out the noise.
  • Create a safe, cosy place for your dog to settle before it gets dark. Dogs enjoy cosy dens.
  • Keep them entertained to take their mind off the noise.
  • Comfort and reassure them.
  • Desensitise pets to noise: Playing fireworks noises quietly using sound CDs, while rewarding calm behaviour, can help them become accustomed to the noise. Play them in the run up to firework season, to help them see they need not be afraid.
  • Consider anxiety relief products: Anxiety relieving products containing pheromones are an effective way to help your pet stay calm also comforting jackets are like a big hug!
This Friday and Saturday, why not join Charlotte Hawkins for Pet Classics, soothing classical music for all pets and animals who might feel anxious and scared with loud noises of Bonfire Night.
Classic FM is the UK’s favourite classical music station. Listen across the UK on 100 – 102 FM, DAB, online at Classic FM – The World’s Greatest Music
Further Advice & tips can be found at:

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