We saw Stef & Frank on Mother’s Day, here’s their story:

“Frank came in to my life 4 years ago. I had just lost my previous pug, Baby at the heartbreaking, tender age of 6, following a lifetime of illness and complex conditions. I naively thought that as I was adopting an older pug who was fit and healthy, I would be free of the troubles I had previously faced with Baby. However less than a year after his adoption I noticed a large lump on the side of his leg and little did I know the journey of constant vet trips and sleepless nights was about to begin again.

Frank faced multiple operations to remove the tumour that sadly kept re-appearing, leading to several rounds of chemotherapy that were unsuccessful. So, last year we made the tough decision to remove Frank’s Leg. It was a slow recovery for him and I wondered countless times if I had made the right decision, but nearly a year on, Frank proves to me every day, that I most definitely did.

Frank is the true definition of a fighter and not once during his countless rounds of chemo and treatments did he feel sorry for himself. I am so blessed I was chosen to take care of Frank after he was rescued from his previous life and I will continue to strive to provide a full and happy one for him. Thank you PDWRA!”

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