Nine year old Coco is looking to retire as an Only-Dog ideally, in her Forever Home.


She enjoys the company of adults and children, though would be best homed with older children if there are any in the home as Coco hasn’t lived with them before.

Although she is fine with dogs when out and about, she would love to live in a home as an only dog as this is the lifestyle she is familiar with.

She loves to get up close and personal, either around her human’s neck or on a lap.

Coco makes it clear when she needs to go out, and when it’s meal times.

She will bark at sudden noises and alert you when someone is at the door. She may also bark in a bid to gain human food, but this is a habit she is slowing unlearning. Coco has started a journey and still has some extra weight to lose.

Coco enjoys her two daily walks. She’s fit enough and willing!

Look past the grumpy exterior of a senior lady, and Coco will make a wonderful, loving companion.



Could YOURS be the perfect home for the lovely Coco?

If you have any specific questions about her or to alert Jane, his Rehoming Coordinator of your application, please email:


Full details on how to apply for Coco, plus the online application form is at:

Please reference: Coco 25025


Thank you!



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