Many of the pugs rescued by the PDWRA come to us from quite dire situations, and this was certainly the case with Buzz and Woody. Adopted by Nikki around 2 years ago, it was one of those traumatic surrenders where they were never taken out and lived a completely miserable life.
Nikki told us in a quick update on Buzz and Woody;
“As you know Woody settled in being the youngest quite easily and minus the behaviour issues has been comfortable around us. Buzz however, being the oldest and probably been through a lot more of a tough start as he was used as a stud dog, hasn’t been so trusting.
It’s been a long couple years of work but these last couple of weeks we have noticed Buzz settling and being a lot more playful and joining in with the puppies and other dogs in the home including wanting a fuss and cuddle. Before, he used to run to his bed or the corner of the room and hide when you tried to stroke him or raised a hand. Yesterday he let me groom him without any issues and actually seemed to really enjoy the attention.
Buzz has been coming up on the sofa and napping on me and is very quick at coming over when called to get a fuss and treat. It’s been so rewarding to see this massive change in him, one that I didn’t think we would ever see and just came to accept he’d always be scared and jumpy.
He loves kids and when my son’s mates come over, rather then hiding as he once did, he’s more intrigued and excited at who it could be.
Walks are still a little difficult when he’s on a lead and the same for Woody. Neither of them are any good on the lead as they just go in circles and tangle you up, which means now as they do stay close and have good recall it’s easier to keep them off the lead to walk the countryside lakes.
I guess healing has no time limit and hopefully Buzz comes more and more out of his shell to become the dog he should have been at the start 🙏❤️🤞”
We can’t thank people like Nikki enough for what they do for pugs like Woody especially, & Buzz, but it’s a win-win situation all round!
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