We last reported that Shirley’s two surviving pups were reaching the stage of leaving their Mum and preparing to start their new life with their waiting adopters.

Both Elsa and Button have now joined their new families, as has Shirley
who is enjoying the rural life and learning to be a dog again.  Her puppy producing days are over, she has been spayed and is now a very welcome addition to her new family.

They stood patiently by, waiting for Shirley to cast off her mothering duties right from the first announcement that she was pregnant.  The family were on holiday at the time and when the news was broken I daresay a glass or two of Ouzo was downed to aid recovery from the shock.

As the only dog in the household, Shirley is the centre of attention and enjoying every minute of it. Enjoying long strolls in the countryside and coming home to a welcoming warm bed.


Elsa was welcomed into her new grumble right from the start.

Her special friend and self appointed guardian is Pugsey, a PDWRA rescue, who had a troubled past but who has now found sanctuary.

He is the nearest in age to Elsa, maybe that is why they have created a special bond.  He keeps an eye out for her and when she yelps, he runs over to see what the trouble is.


Like many children not wanting to put their coats on, it was a struggle to get Elsa to accept a harness, but a little bit of coaxing with some tasty treats solved that problem.-

Elsa has now been fully vaccinated and able to join the rest of the grumble on their walks.  She obviously has an eye for design, as she has made a start on stripping the wallpaper!


Button seemed to think his new grumble are there to be ambushed.  His favourite game is to hide underneath the furniture and launch himself on an unwary passer by.


Billybob has taken him under his wing and Button is learning from an older and wiser pug.

Button’s adopter has things well in hand though, she is a dog trainer and he has started his training already.

One of the grumble has gone on to become a Pets as Therapy dog, so who knows, perhaps Button is destined to join him in the future.

It’s been an eventful journey for Shirley and her pups, travelling around the country, meeting PDWRA Volunteers at every step of the way, and adapting to their changing surroundings.

Now all three are safe and secure in their forever homes, their futures certain.

To read Shirley’s story from when she came to us,
with more adorable photos of Elsa and Button from birth, please see: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/puppy-surprise/


For more information about taking on a puppy, and all its rewarding demands, please see:



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