By Lesley – pictured here with Boo & Luna!


My partner James and I both knew that we wanted to get a rescue dog when circumstances allowed. Both of our families had had dogs before, mine all working dogs (collies and spaniels) and James’s family had always had Westies.

We both knew that we wanted to adopt a pug because we loved the breed but really wanted to get a rescue.

I had experienced a period of very bad health and was awaiting surgery in June of 2021. I was due to start a part time job after my surgery so we decided that, when I was healed, we would be in a position to be able to think about getting a pug. 

We googled pug rescues in the UK and the PDWRA came up. They seemed like a wonderful charity so once I was recovered from my surgery and my health was starting to improve we applied to become fosterers / adopters!

We went through the application process and home check and waited to hear from the charity, thinking it would be at least a few months before we heard anything. Imagine our surprise when two weeks later we got a message from Annette at the PDWRA asking if we wanted to foster two girl pugs with a view to adopt. We saw the pictures of Boo and Luna and their adorable smiles and couldn’t say no!


They arrived on the 3rd August 2021, and we were a little shocked by how poorly they were! They were both at least 2 kilos overweight and had problems with their breathing. 

The first night was very hard. Boo’s breathing was so loud that it was like someone was sawing wood in the same room! I was in tears because I had no idea how to help them and felt so powerless.

Our contacts at the PDWRA were amazing though, and helped us through every day (and some nights) when we had questions and gave us lots of advice on their care. We put them on a diet and exercise regime and, gradually, we started to see a real difference!


They started to show us their lovely personalities. Boo was the first to get cuddly, whilst Luna was the first to get playful and loves back scratches. They both love cuddles, walks, treats and of course teatimes! 

Eventually Boo was able to have the BOAS surgery and now breathes so much easier! Luna also had to have a cancerous lump removed from her leg but it hasn’t recurred thank goodness!

Luna and Boo took a long time to get to full health but by February of 2022 they were ready to be adopted, ….. but we weren’t ready to let them go. They had left their paw prints on our hearts – so they stayed with us 🥰


We love taking them on adventures and holidays with us. We introduced them to the beach and Boo got her first non-bath time zoomies, while Luna enjoyed sniffing all the seaweed.

We absolutely adore them and have both improved our lives immeasurably. They seem to love to be by my side all the time, and James can always tell where I am by where they are!

My health still has its ups and downs but they are always there to cheer me up with their cuteness and give me cuddles. I can honestly say that they are my soul dogs and we love them more and more every day.

If you’d like to find out more about their adventures you can follow their Instagram page @ouradventurepugs. We always love to make new friends!


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