Buddy and Belle, arrived on the Isle of Man four years ago after a long journey from the mainland. Despite the trip, they remained calm and settled, sleeping in the cabin with their owners and family pug, Winston. Upon arriving home, they were met by our Labrador and eagerly explored the house and garden, adapting quickly to their new home.
As it turned out, Buddy and Belle were no strangers to seaside living. They enjoy exercising on the quiet beaches and nearby glens. Although Buddy wasn’t initially fond of paddling, he has since grown accustomed to it, while Belle can’t get enough of the water and loves rolling in it at any opportunity!
Next year, they will have even more space to play, as we are taking over some family fields. Once a pug-friendly canter strip is mown to keep the grass short, Buddy and Belle can enjoy running around and playing to their heart’s content.
Belle has taken a liking to Winston and likes to wash him frequently, while Buddy is more people-oriented. During a particularly hot holiday last year, they all enjoyed splashing around in the sea and racing over the sands, with Buddy’s favourite activity being chasing birds. They were soon joined by another rehomed pug and now all three curl up together at night near the kitchen range.
Buddy and Belle’s adopters, Sue and Alan say, “Buddy and Belle are real characters and dear, much-loved pugs, a great addition to our family.
Thank you to the PDWRA for making this possible”.
Sue and Alan
To see when Buddy and Belle first arrived, go to: