** GREAT NEWS UPDATE: Over the weekend, Pat has found his NEW HOME! ** 👏


8 year old, black male pug Pat, is looking for his specific and special adoptive home.
Please read his criteria:

  • Pat would be best suited in a quieter home. Although he is happy to accept visitors if they give him a treat and don’t try to pick him up or fuss over him.

He’s happy to sit in another room during busier and louder times, and watch through a door gate.

  • He likes to go visiting and is perfectly behaved in other people’s houses, again as long as they leave him be and don’t touch him.

He will come for a gentle fuss if he deems you worthy though he focuses his trust on his main care giver, and prefers calm, steady men or potentially women.

  • Pat could live with older ‘hands off’ teenagers, although once in the circle of trust, he will accept affection more readily.

He would like to live with another dog, and is happy to be lower down in the pecking order.


  • Pat is a typically greedy pug, and does snatch a bit for treats when taking them.
  • He loves to visit a pub or cafĂ© and will take a treat from strangers, but again doesn’t like to be over fussed.
  • He is excellent off-lead and has a reliable recall.
  • Pat will bark at planes/helicopters passing over but doesn’t bark at the television.  He will bark at a window if allowed, and can follow a firm verbal correction to “Stop!”.

He may bark if an unknown dog gets in his face though.

  • Pat doesn’t need a great deal of exercise in the form of long walks due to hip problems, but he enjoys pottering and going out and about where he likes to observe his surroundings. He does take daily anti-inflammatories for his hips.

Though he will still try to take the opportunity to climb on a table if possible!


  • Pat is biddable and can follow instruction. He understands the word “No!” and is not combative unless he thinks he’s going to the vet or having some medical intervention. He will not tolerate being picked up by a person who is not in his circle of trust.
  • Cleaning of ears, folds etc. can be managed only after building a relationship with Pat. This may take some time.
  • Pat does travel nicely in the car, in a crate or with a seatbelt.

Do you believe you could offer this charming boy his quite specific, and special Forever Home?

If you could, please apply for him referencing Pat 22026 at: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/adopting-a-pug/

If you have any specific questions regarding Pat, or to alert Jane, his Rehoming Coordinator of your application, please email: sw@nullpugwelfare-rescue.org.uk

Thank you!


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