** GOOD NEWS UPDATE, Feb’24: Skye has found her Forever-Home and is settling in well! **


Skye is the sweetest, most delightful young pug who unfortunately has been kept in a flat, never walked outside or properly socialised.

She really needs an experienced adopter, willing to invest in helping her to understand the world outside especially, and enjoy her life the way she’s only just starting to!

Skye’s fosterer of a few months, says she has no social skills outdoors so barks at every dog and human she sees. She can be encouraged to relax but only for a short spell and will start barking again. She is simply nervous and doesn’t understand normal social cues.

Skye is neutered and has lived with older children, and a cat, and currently in foster, is living with a female pug of a steady nature. She is fully housetrained and used to be crated with toys to sleep.

Skye does love being outdoors though, for good long walks or chasing a ball which she’d do for hours, also acts as a good distraction technique when people are nearby.

She’s very fit and a destroyer of toys, and can be quite growly in her play. She has a good appetite and now sleeps along with her fosterers pug at the foot of the bed.

It takes Skye a while to settle down and feel comfortable with visitors who stay over, so short-term visitors will be barked at a lot! She can growl at people if they are doing something she does not like with her, although she has not nipped at all, however, young children would not be recommended to be resident in the home.

Skye is a lovely, sweet little soul who’s funny and an absolute delight, who enjoys her cuddles and toys. She isn’t a dominant but has a big personality!

So, if you, or anyone you know, could offer this lifeline to Skye, reaping all the rewards pug-owners are so familiar with, please contact your local PDWRA VAC to discuss further if you are already registered with us,

or apply here, referencing Skye 23214 :  Adoption | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)

Thank You! 💝🐾


For other Rescue Stories, and Appeals for Homes, please see: https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/category/rescue-stories/

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