Arlo & Nora on film!
Pictured are Arlo & Nora with co-stars Gabby and Matt.
Location photos courtesy of History Hit.
PDWRA had a request from a film company, History Hit, for a pug to take part in a scene they were filming, so Arlo and Nora sprang to mind for Jackie, one of our VACs who had placed them for adoption earlier this year with Jayne, an artist who kindly fundraises for PDWRA through her greeting cards business.
Arlo and Nora were invited to spend a morning at Oxford’s Castle and Prison museum to take part in their filming.
Mike Loades, the film’s Director filled us in on some fascinating details:
“Bright and early on a chilly November morning, Jayne Cooper, the proud owner of pugs Nora and Arlo (and passionate supporter of PDWRA), turned up for some filming at Oxford’s Castle and Prison museum. It was an unusual assignment.
Oxford’s medieval Castle had been largely demolished during the English Civil Wars (1642 – 1651). What was left became a prison. This was extended and enlarged in the late 18th century, much of it remaining in its original condition. It is now a visitor attraction. What could two self-respecting pugs possibly be required to do in an old prison?
History Hit is a streaming channel (available online and via smart TVs) that specializes in history documentaries. Coming soon to the channel are two documentaries in a series about dogs in history – ‘Dogs of the Tudors’ and ‘Dogs in the Age of Revolutions’. It was for the ‘Dogs in the Age of Revolutions’ film that a pug was required.
During the Reign of Terror (1793/1794), which followed the French Revolution, Josephine Beauharnais (later to marry Napoleon) was imprisoned. It was usual for political prisoners to be allowed the company of their dogs –prison guards in such turbulent times were quite easy to bribe – but Josephine’s dog (a pug by the name of Fortune) was given the special privilege of being able to come and go at will. In fact he was able to carry secret messages to and from her children.
Naturally Jayne did not want either dog to wear a collar (they were used to harnesses) but she was happy for Nora to wear a blue ribbon, tied in a bow. Such a fashion accessory looked entirely in keeping for the period. It was also useful to incorporate a secret compartment in which a folded message could be stowed.
Historical performers Gabby Monet and Matthew Howarth played Josephine and her jailor, respectively. Gabby is a professional period seamstress and both she and Matthew had perfect period costumes. It was a very authentic looking setting.
Nora pipped Arlo in one final test to play the role of Fortune. Being slightly slimmer, she was able (just) to squeeze through the prison bars. Nora determined and brave scampering down the grim prison corridors before arriving at the bars to Josephine’s cell. Possibly with the encouragement of a hidden biscuit (we can’t give all the secrets away) Nora wriggled through the bars, like a slow-motion champagne cork popping, time and time again. You always have to do things over and over for filming, so that the cameraperson can get different angles.
There is no doubt that Nora was taken with gabby. They bonded quickly. Once Nora had shimmied through the bars, she twizzled and danced at Gabby’s feet with such excitement that she should be awarded a BAFTA. Dogs are such natural actors of course. Gabby scooped her up, cuddled and kissed her, and Nora looked back adoringly. It was beautiful and touching scene.
So – thank you Nora, and thank you PDWRA (you found her) you are a true action hero!
Do look out for the films being released on History Hit sometime in late January or early February.
Jayne reported back about their special day:
“What an adventure Arlo and Nora had!
We took the park and ride bus into Oxford – I wasn’t sure how they would get on with that, but they loved it! We were introduced to Drew from the film company who managed the days’ filming and the Pug’s co-stars Gabby and Matt at the Prison. The idea was to have a scene where a Pug visits Josephine (Napoleon’s wife) in Prison. Apparently she had a Pug who would visit with notes secreted on it.
They were keen to get the pug to slip through the prison bars – so that ruled Arlo out as he is a bit bigger.
However, Nora was perfect. She soon learnt that if she popped through she would get a treat, so she decided that she would do it whether it was asked of her or not! She is a little diva anyway so she was in her element!
They also filmed Arlo sitting in a chair and both Pugs running down a corridor. Everyone fell in love with them, and they were very pleased with how well behaved they were. What an adventure! I think it was a great experience for Arlo and Nora. They have come such a long way over the last 10 months.
I have attached some photographs capturing the details of that time, with the permission of History Hit, which I hope you enjoy!
Best wishes,
Jayne (proud Mum), Arlo & Nora”
Please also read more about Jayne’s fundraising at:
Fundraising & Events 2024 | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association