For a Safe & Happy New Year!
It’s New Year’s Eve and this year we have a combination of the usual potential hazard of Fireworks to our pugs, plus a combination of storms or snow across the country.
The Met Office has weather warnings in place for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland between now and 2 January, even Edinburgh Hogmanay has been cancelled!
For some of you, it could be the first time you’ll be experiencing how fireworks affects a new pug in your home, so here are our regular tips for pug parents.
Sufficiently in advance, you may have considered:
• Desensitising your pets to noise: Playing fireworks noises quietly using sound CDs, while rewarding calm behaviour, can help them become accustomed to the noise. Play them in the run up to firework season, to help them see they need not be afraid.
• Anxiety relief products: A variety of anxiety relieving products contain pheromones, and can be an effective way to help your pet stay calm. Comforting jackets also are like a big hug! There are so many products around so do research them.
• Check that their microchip registration details are up-to-date.
• Walk them before it’s dark or if the weather is bad, skip it once they’ve toileted, maybe just in the garden.
• Feed your dogs before fireworks are expected to begin, as they may be too stressed to eat.
• Make sure your house or garden is escape-proof, as they can bolt or go missing.
• Keep windows and curtains closed, the lights on and turn the TV on to play music to help drown out the noise.
• Create a safe, cosy place for your dog to settle before it gets dark. Dogs enjoy cosy dens.
• Keep them entertained to take their mind off the noise.
• Comfort and reassure them.
• Do not leave them alone at home or elsewhere unsupervised.
Further Advice & tips can be found at:
• https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/health-and-dog-care/health/health-and-care/a-z-of-health-and-care-issues/fireworks
• https://www.pdsa.org.uk/what-we-do/blog/keeping-pets-safe-in-stormy-weather?
• https://pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk/seasonal-hazards-for-pugs/