Another SUCCESS STORY! The adoption of Edward.

We speak to his adopted owner about their new life with a PDWRA pug.

Pug name: Edward
😊 Personality: He is an absolute lover of all things cheeky. He is incredibly playful, energetic and loving. He’s an absolute joy to share our home with, a best friend to my daughters and a much-loved family member.
📖 Origin story: We adopted him at two years. He has been with us for just over a year.
🐾 A pug’s life: He is just so happy. When he came to live with us, he was at first very verbal when meeting other dogs on a walk, which sometimes wasn’t well received. We now have daily walks on a lead and a daily visit to a secure walking field where he can run off the lead and we’ve found he becomes a little cheeky if he doesn’t have daily exercise.
🐓💅🏼 What he needs and likes: He loves lots of cuddles, roast chicken, walking in new places with new smells, particularly visiting family in London, where there are so many dogs he can smell. He is incredibly good at his grooming appointment every two months, where he has a wash and blow dry along with his nails trimming and teeth cleaned.
❤️ Personality traits: Just the BEST dog ever, we love him so much.

If you’re interested in adopting a pug, please apply:

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