Tiny Peppa, Update! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)
This is Peppa. She is estimated to be around three years old and is absolutely tiny, weighing only 4.7kg. She came into PDWRA’s care recently as an emergency case, during a weekend.
Her eyeball was blood red and bulging at twice its normal size. She must have been in so much pain!
Urgent surgery was required for the proptosed eye, and this was carried out as soon as it could be, on the Monday.
Both her hind legs have deformities and it is most likely from her behaviours and development that she had been crated for long periods. Surgery is also likely to be needed for her legs.
She is entire and will be spayed in a month’s time when she has recovered from her eye surgery.
Peppa is a brave and sweet little girl who didn’t deserve this start in life, but she is far more comfortable now and will receive the best possible care onwards.
We’ll keep you posted on how she gets on.
For other PDWRA pug stories, please see:
Rescue Stories | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)
If you would like to donate, all contributions will help towards vet costs like Peppa’s surgeries and other PDWRA pug’s vet costs. Thank you!
Donating to Pug Dog Welfare | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (pugwelfare-rescue.org.uk)