Lisa and Reggie’s story

Lisa and Reggie’s story

After losing her first pug a year and a half ago due to spinal issues, Lisa’s heart was broken.

A few months passed, and Lisa decided it was time for a new pug to enter her life. After doing some research Lisa discovered the PDWRA, not long after she saw ‘Reggie’s appeal and reached out to our volunteer Area-Coordinator, looking after his case, expressing her interest in adopting Reggie. Lisa’s application was a success and almost a year later it’s like Reggie, who is now 8, has been there since he was a puppy!

When Reggie first arrived, he didn’t even know how to play properly and would tear toys apart. He was cautious around other dogs, likely because he was attacked by a bigger dog in his previous home.

Reggie was also not used to being on furniture, having been kept in a cage overnight. So, with the help of Lisa’s love and patience, Reggie gradually learned to trust and enjoy his new life.

Now, Reggie is a gentle, happy soul who loves getting on the bed and sofa. He’s also become a local celebrity at Cafe Nero and around town. Lisa has done wonders to help Reggie feel safe, especially around other dogs, using treats from his daily food allowance, to reinforce positive behaviour in him.


Lisa feels incredibly supported by the charity and loves the sense of community among adopters and fosters. She says their lives have been so much nicer with Reggie in the house and wouldn’t change a thing. Lisa is grateful for the group and would definitely adopt another pug from the charity in the future.

Here’s to another celebration of “Happily Ever After!” with Lisa and Reggie finding each other in this way.

If you too would like to adopt a pug, please find out how to, at:

You can read other pug rescue stories here:

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