Pets at Home VIP Club

Thank you to our supporters who already have PDWRA set up for pugs in need to benefit from their shopping at Pets at Home.
If you haven’t already, please join the VIP club & set us up in Charity Lifelines. Please use the Huntingdon branch, not your own as that’s where we’re registered. Thank you so much.

Geena’s story

Geena was surrendered earlier this year. Due to family circumstances changing she wasn’t able to receive the care she needed, and although we weren’t made fully aware of her health conditions, it soon became apparent that Geena had very poor vision. We conducted a prompt, vet health check, and her limited vision was confirmed, though we believed she could see shadows. It was also found that she had a grade 5 heart murmur.
While she was being neutered soon afterwards, a few lumps were found on her abdomen, which were explored. It was clear that she had also had several litters, and that the lumps were hernias. These were repaired and so Geena’s rehabilitation started.
She started her heart medication for her murmur and made a quick recovery from surgery, then continued to blossom in foster. She took her time getting used to her new surroundings and her pug chums. Geena was initially too scared to go out for walks, but with reassurance and patience from her foster mum and companions she started to enjoy them, as she should.
Geena’s loving care and rehabilitation meant she was able to be moved to her forever home. Some minor adaptations were made to make things easier for her, plus she has a gentle, elderly frenchie-pug, Rocky as her companion.
Geena’s Mum says; “They are like an old married couple. Rocky has quickly learned to duck out of the way when she comes towards him, and I have learned never to leave a cup of tea unattended as she will drink the lot! I couldn’t have wished for a smoother transition for her. She’s settled in brilliantly, in true Pug style, wherever they lay their hat… We are indeed lucky to have her in our home and our lives!”

Walter and Millie’s story

Walter and Millie’s story

Walter and Millie, a lovely pair of bonded 10 year olds, were surrendered when one of their elderly owners sadly passed away.

They came from one side of the country, where they were placed in experienced foster care to help them adjust emotionally and medically. Then when the time was right, some great, cross-region team work co-ordinated the transfer of the pair to the other side of the country to their excited forever home!

Walter and Millie just couldn’t get enough of looking out of the car window, it seemed to be a new experience which they absolutely loved!

It’s only been a matter of weeks since Walter and Millie arrived at their adoptive home. Mum says, “it’s like they’ve always been here. The nicest part is that they have settled in with our other three dogs and really are now a much loved part of our family. Their sweet personalities are coming through and they’re great to have around. We are very lucky to have such a gorgeous pair. Walter thinks the TV is an alien being when it’s on, which is a lot, and they’ve tried every dog and human bed in the house but decided mum and dad’s king-size best suits them, though they do allow mum and dad to share it!”

We all know these two are going to have the best life!



30 September 2008 – 23 September 2020

Ranji was adopted at the age of 9 in April 2017, along with his litter brother Sam.

Ranji lived very happily with his adoptive family until a week short of his 12th birthday.  He is much missed by the family and by Sam.

Susie’s story

Susie came from a home where she was much loved.  However, due to serious illness, her owners were unable to give her the care and attention she needed. She was suffering from bad ears, eyes and skin, poor hearing and sight, so understandably was quite sad initially, but with excellent veterinary care, all paid for by PDWRA, at the age of 9 years, she became quite puppy-like and started to play.

Her foster carer saw the sweet character that she was, emerging.  Incredibly, we found the perfect home for her, with people who already had an elderly dog, with many similar health issues, and were desperate to find another. So, Susie has moved into her wonderfully perfect, forever home, and already fits into it like a well-worn glove.

She’s really living her best life where resident pug Chloe (the one sleeping) has accepted her with open paws!

Susie’s new Mum is delighted to be able to give golden oldies the opportunity to live out their final years in a home where they are loved and cherished and maybe a little spoilt!

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