Coco needs to be an Only-Dog in her Forever Home

Coco needs to be an Only-Dog in her Forever Home

Nine year old Coco is looking to retire as an Only-Dog ideally, in her Forever Home.


She enjoys the company of adults and children, though would be best homed with older children if there are any in the home as Coco hasn’t lived with them before.

Although she is fine with dogs when out and about, she would love to live in a home as an only dog as this is the lifestyle she is familiar with.

She loves to get up close and personal, either around her human’s neck or on a lap.

Coco makes it clear when she needs to go out, and when it’s meal times.

She will bark at sudden noises and alert you when someone is at the door. She may also bark in a bid to gain human food, but this is a habit she is slowing unlearning. Coco has started a journey and still has some extra weight to lose.

Coco enjoys her two daily walks. She’s fit enough and willing!

Look past the grumpy exterior of a senior lady, and Coco will make a wonderful, loving companion.



Could YOURS be the perfect home for the lovely Coco?

If you have any specific questions about her or to alert Jane, his Rehoming Coordinator of your application, please email:


Full details on how to apply for Coco, plus the online application form is at:

Please reference: Coco 25025


Thank you!



To see the difference adoption can make, from a small selection of our Rescue & Adoption Stories, please see:



Could YOU Adopt Rambo?

Could YOU Adopt Rambo?

Introducing 8 year old Rambo, who has been in foster with us and is ready for his Forever, Adoptive Home! 

Could Rambo’s Home be Yours?


He can live with other kind & friendly dogs, and older children. He enjoys being made a fuss over, as he’s very loving though he does prefer to lie next to you rather than be a lap-pug!

Rambo is an extra large type of chap; in length, height and width, although he steadily developed a waistline while his poorly elderly Mum couldn’t keep up his usual routine. He’ll eat anything too which doesn’t help! ☺️

House training has also lapsed a little and is work in progress that we are sure will get back on track once in a routine again. He’s using a belly band in the interim. Patience and regular garden trips are needed.


Rambo would love his person or family to be around a lot of the time. It was what he’s used to.

He relishes his walks, and is becoming fitter and fitter. He is the sweetest, funniest boy, who has a character you can’t fail to love.

Rambo’s general health is good. He gets anxious at the vets, but shows no aggression. He just becomes a bag of eels!

Could YOU offer this charmer his Forever Home?

He’s currently in foster in the South West of England.

If you have any specific questions about him or to alert Jane, his Rehoming Coordinator of your application, please email:

Full details on how to apply plus the online application form is at:
Thank you!


You can also see the difference adoption can make, from a small selection of our Rescue & Adoption Stories at:


Our Rodney… R.I.P.

Our Rodney… R.I.P.

By Alison, Rodney’s Mum & Fundraiser for PDWRA.
20th December 2024


Sadly, on 19th December our little Rodney passed away peacefully. He would have been 9 years old a few days later.

Rodney came to us 3 years ago to the day as a Pug Dog Welfare and Rescue Association UK temporary foster boy, for a Christmas stay… We failed miserably at just fostering and he ended up staying with us.


He was a real Mummy’s boy and loved his adopted siblings, Ethel & Leonard. His best hobbies were eating carrots, playing with his large cuddly pumpkin and going out in his “Pug-Buggy” when his little wobbly legs could not carry him anymore.

Here’s Rodney helping with packing merchandise that I design to donate profits to PDWRA, taken a while ago.



Unfortunately, Rodney aged too soon. He had cataracts. His legs became too wobbly through his back problems and was losing control of his bowels.

He was using his pug buggy to go out and about with, which he really loved to do. He was a real Mummies boy.


Ethel and Leonard were quite depressed for about 2 weeks. He leaves a big hole…he was a little Character as are all Pugs!

Rodney’s Mummy, Alison. 




To pay tribute to your sadly lost and beloved PDWRA pug on this, our dedicated In Memoriam web page:
please email your story, or whatever you would like to say about them, with photos,


Lisa & Pepper

Lisa & Pepper

Deciding to get a pug was the easy part, as a family we did our research and said yes, it’s definitely a Pug we want, so we got a non-rescue puppy called Wilson, he was a darling…in a devilish sort of way! After 12 months we just knew we wanted to get another pug but this time we wanted to adopt, so I Googled adoptions and rescues and PDWRA came up. So I contacted them, which was really easy to do. I chose PDWRA because I felt they were more than just a rescue, they felt like a family and cared 100% about the pugs, I felt safe knowing it was all about the love and wellbeing of the crazy breed we all love; Pugs!

So, in Sept 2017, after a short while waiting I got a call saying that they’d had a little 12 month girl come into the rescue with skin issues and very hyper!

Lisa & Pepper

She met our criteria as we wanted a 12-month-old to join our resident 12-month-old at home. We went to see her and OMG she was a goofy, hyper skinny little lady, she was running around, jumping all over the place, quite the opposite to Wilson.

She had a terrible skin issue that she’s still got today but is managed with medication, she’s all fluffy and healthy now, but still scratches occasionally!

I couldn’t believe it was happening, I was bringing home a rescue! I was nervous and excited and Pepper was anxious during the car ride home, she was whimpering but my kids were in the back seat with her helping to calm her down.

Pepper & Sid

I carried her inside the house and let her down she ran around doing zoomies and found Wilson. It was at that point I knew I’d made the right decision, Pepper & Wilson we’re crazy together from the moment they met, they were inseparable! Initially they had a mad few hours of playing together then they just settled down and slept next to each other like they’d known each other forever, it was a dream come true. A few weeks after getting Pepper she had BOAS surgery to help her tiny little nostrils and she took it all in her stride.

Pepper was a dream from the word go, she was really well potty trained, came back when called and absolutely loves to cuddle and play, even now. 7 years on she’s a beautiful lady, she’s a little greyer around the edges but still a bundle of energy and joy.

After adopting Pepper I wanted to help as much as I could with PDWRA, so over the last 4 years we’ve also fostered 3 pugs, which is an amazing feeling, I’d highly recommended it and the rescue are so supportive throughout the whole process.


Sadly in Dec 2020 Wilson died suddenly at 3 years old, Pepper was so sad, she missed him terribly, so I decided to get another pug puppy. Along came Sid, non-rescue.

Well, I was so nervous for Pepper to meet Sid as she was my main priority but I had nothing to fear, Pepper was excited and happy when Sid came home, she’s certainly the boss and boy does she show it, even now!

Pepper and Sid are inseparable, they adore each other and also enjoy a good squabble too. She is such a diva when it comes to going out in the rain, she just point-blank refuses! Pepper had her teeth removed a couple of years ago, due to them being rotten, she’s got about 2 left and it’s doesn’t stop her eating!


Adopting Pepper from PDWRA was the best decision we ever made, she’s the sweetest little girl and I can’t imagine life without her. Now at 7 years old she’s definitely queen bee in our house, she knows what she likes and doesn’t like and will let know about it too!

Lisa & Pepper xxx

Melissa & Esme

Melissa & Esme

Hello everyone. My name is Esme and I first came to PDWRA in 2021.

I’ll start with the day I was told I had a new Furever Home. I was transported from my foster home to another lovely volunteer’s home, and from there I was collected by Myra and her daughter, Melissa. I was taken to my new home where I met my new brother, Rupert (a Jack Russell/Chihuahua cross). As I explored the house, I found that there were dog beds in each room, one for each of us, (but sometimes Rupert and I like to share together) and a large garden, which has lots of birds visiting. I love to chase birds! I also checked out the most important room, the kitchen… I found that the menu was quite delicious!

Esme & Rupert

It didn’t take me long to find the best spot on the bed that night, with my own pillow, and I must say I slept well. Two days later though, I did not feel good, and my new family realised that I had a problem with my eye, so off I went to the vet. Apparently, I had an ulcerated cornea, and when the standard treatment didn’t work, I was referred to a specialist, who told me that I needed expensive surgery imminently, or I would lose my eye. As it was a pre-existing condition, the PDWRA agreed to pay the costs. I was then forced to wear the cone of shame for weeks, but thankfully, with the swift action from my humans and help from PDWRA I have been able to keep my eye.

Esme & Rupert

A little while later I began to take interest in Rupert’s toys and so Melissa gave me a toy of my own, and I love it. I don’t play with it very often, but I love to give it a chew from time to time.

Esme & Rupert

When I first came here, I was not used to walking and I had a terrible fear of traffic, but both Myra and Melissa were very patient with me and slowly built up my walking distance, and took time to let me get used to traffic. I still have a go at big vans if they are too close to me but I can now walk by the road without having to be kept on a short lead. I do still have occasional night terrors but even they have got better the longer I’m here.

Esme & Rupert

Sadly, Myra became ill, and so Melissa took over our care as well as looking after her Mum, and in April 2023 we lost Myra. Melissa has now become our sole Human and she has made sure that Rupert and I lost nothing but also gained so much, as we now go on doggy adventures to the forest and other local spaces and we’ve been on holidays to the New Forest and Cornwall. I can now walk up to 7 miles in a day, not bad for a Pug who had never been walking before! Melissa is an actor and film maker and I have actually appeared in a couple of her films, and have even appeared in a travel show for Korean TV.

Esme & Rupert

Thank you PDWRA for all you have done for me and others like me, and I hope that you continue the good work for other Pugs.


For more stories like Esme’s please see our rescue stories at:

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