Friends of Welfare.

Would YOU like to help us, by becoming a Friend of Welfare?
The Annual Subscription to the Friends of Welfare is ‘Any Sum’ you would like to donate from £15!

Our preferred payment method is by Bank Standing Order.

It would also help us if you could Gift Aid your subscription, and any other donation you may make. Just please remember to complete the Gift Aid Declaration – page 2 of the form – as well.

Download the Friends of Welfare application form here [PDF]

Once you have downloaded the form, please print it out, complete your personal and Bank Standing Order details then send to the address stated, which is:

The Treasurer, THE PUG DOG WELFARE AND RESCUE ASSOCIATION, Lytchett House, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FA, United Kingdom.

TIP: Right-click over the link and choose ‘Save Link As’ or ‘Save Target As’ to download the form directly to your computer. Clicking on the link may open it in your browser and can cause the form to print out slightly smaller.

The form is in Adobe ‘PDF’ format which requires Adobe Reader. In the unlikely event this is not already installed on your computer, you can download it free by clicking the button below:

Get Adobe Reader Icon

To illustrate what we we are able to achieve with the aid of your donations and our volunteers’ efforts, this is what the first 5 months of last year looked like:

Member Carolyn says:

“I have just become a Friend of Welfare. Thank you so much for all the information and I am pleased to be part of the fundraising with my membership plus small donations from stamp collecting, recycling ink cartridges and shopping online. Every little helps pugs in need. Thank you for everything you do!”


Already a Friend of Welfare?

If you have any, please direct them to:


Friends of Welfare can also choose to assist PDWRA in its work, but this is optional. If you would like to become a PDWRA volunteer, then please visit our Volunteering page here, and complete the questions applicable to the role(s) you would like to help with, on the online application form:

Volunteering for PDWRA | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (

Regular e-mailed Newsletters!

We are issuing newsletters every 2 months, emailed directly to you, covering latest pug-related news and rehoming stories from the charity.
If, for any reason you are not receiving yours (always check your junk folders) please simply sign-up via the pop-up on arriving at our website or email us directly.
See details here:

Subscribe to our Newsletters! | The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association (


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